Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.12/1:R-264-61 Standard sizes of oil-hardenable flat, ground tool steel stock. 1
C 13.12/1:R-265-63 Forms for two-way concrete joist floor and roof construction. 1
C 13.12/1:R-266-63 Gypsum board products. 1
C 13.12/1:R-267-65 Standard stock sizes of machined tool steel bars (flats and squares) 1
C13.12_1..1_10 Vitrified paving brick. 1
C13.12_1..101_2 Metal partitions for toilets and showers. 1
C13.12_1..102 Granite curbstone. 1
C13.12_1..103_2 Industrial truck and trailer solid tires. 1
C13.12_1..106_2 Hospital plumbing fixtures. 1
C13.12_1..108_4 Dental Hypodermic Needles. 1
C13.12_1..11_2 Bed blanket sizes. 1
C13.12_1..118_3 Abrasive grain sizes. 1
C13.12_1..120_3 Ice-cream-brick molds and cartons. 1
C13.12_1..123_2 Carbonated Beverage Bottles. 1
C13.12_1..126_2 Set-up paper boxes (used by department and specialty stores) 1
C13.12_1..128_2 Corrugated fiber boxes (used by department and specialty stores) 1
C13.12_1..129_2 Notion and millinery paper bags (used by department and specialty stores) 1
C13.12_1..131_2 Glass containers for mayonnaise and kindred products. 1
C13.12_1..132_2 Ice-℗Ưcream cups and cup caps. 1
C13.12_1..133_2 Surgical dressings. 1