Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 13.8:357 Calibration and adjustment of Schopper folding tester
Calibration and adjustment of the Schopper folding tester /
C13.8-357 Calibration and adjustment of Schopper folding tester 1
C 13.8:358 Air-hardening rivet steels /
Air-hardening rivet steels
Air-hardening rivet steels.
C13.8-358 Air-hardening rivet steels. 1
C 13.8:359 A superheat meter or differential thermometer for airships /
Superheat meter or differential thermometer for airships
Superheat meter or differential thermometer for airships.
C13.8-359 Superheat meter or differential thermometer for airships. 1
C 13.8:360 Cleaning of fur and leather garments
Cleaning of fur and leather garments.
Cleaning of fur and leather garments /
C13.8-360 Cleaning of fur and leather garments. 1
C 13.8:360/ errata Cleaning of fur and leather garments
Cleaning of fur and leather garments.
C 13.8:361 Deterioration of steels in synthesis of ammonia
Deterioration of steels in the synthesis of ammonia /
Deterioration of steels in synthesis of ammonia.
C13.8-361 Deterioration of steels in synthesis of ammonia. 1
C 13.8:362 Creep in 5 steels at different temperatures
Creep in five steels at different temperatures /
Creep in 5 steels at different temperatures.
C13.8-362 Creep in 5 steels at different temperatures. 1
C 13.8:363 Endurance and other properties of rail steel ... : January 12, 1928.
Endurance and other properties of rail steel : Part I. Endurance properties of rail steel; Part II. Comparative tests of rail steel cast in standard and sink-head molds of Gathmann type.
Endurance and other properties of rail steel: Part I. Endurance properties of rail steel; Part II. Comparative tests of rail steel cast in standard and sink-head molds of Gathmann type
C13.8-363 Endurance and other properties of rail steel : Part I. Endurance properties of rail steel; Part II. Comparative tests of rail steel cast in standard and sink-head molds of Gathmann type. 1
C 13.8:364 Tensile properties of soft rubber compounds at temperatures ranging from -70 to 147 C
Tensile properties of soft rubber compounds at temperatures ranging from -70° to +147° C. /
Tensile properties of soft rubber compounds at temperatures ranging from -70 to 147 C.
C13.8-364 Tensile properties of soft rubber compounds at temperatures ranging from -70 to 147 C. 1
C 13.8:365 Statical hysteresis in cycles of equal load range
Statical hysteresis in cycles of equal load range /
Statical hysteresis in cycles of equal load range.
C13.8-365 Statical hysteresis in cycles of equal load range. 1
C 13.8:366 Strength of interlocking-rib tile walls
Strength of interlocking-rib tile walls /
Strength of interlocking-rib tile walls.