Call Number (LC) Title Results
C1406-2294 Daily consular reports 1
C1406-2295 Daily consular reports 1
C1406-2296 Daily consular reports 1
C1406-2297 Daily consular reports 1
C1407-1 Index to daily consular reports, calendar year 1903, Nos. 1534-1839 1
C1411-4 List of publications 1
C1415-1 Review of world's commerce Introductory to commercial relations of U.S. with foreign countries during year 1903. 1
C1417-14 Schedule C Classification of foreign countries and dependencies for statements of imports, exports, and tonnage movement in foreign trade of U.S.; approved July 1, 1908. 1
C1501-1 Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service, to Secretary of Commerce and Labor for fiscal year ended June 30, 1904 1
C1501-2 Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service, to Secretary of Commerce and Labor for fiscal year ended June 30, 1905 1
C1501-3 Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service, to Secretary of Commerce and Labor for fiscal year ended June 30, 1906 1
C1501-4 Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service, to Secretary of Commerce and Labor for fiscal year ended June 30, 1907 1
C1501-5 Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service, to Secretary of Commerce and Labor for fiscal year ended June 30, 1908 1
C1501-6 Annual report of Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service, to Secretary of Commerce and Labor for fiscal year ended June 30, 1909 1
C1502-1 Catalogue of books and blanks used by Steamboat-Inspection Service 1
C1502-2 Catalogue of books and blanks used by Steamboat-Inspection Service 1
C1504-1 Reinspections 1
C1504-2 Transportation of calcium carbide on passenger steamers 1
C1504-3 Amendments of steamboat-inspection rules and regulations 1
C1504-4 Sections of Revised Statutes and of rules and regulations relating to licensed officers of steamboats (supersedes Department Circular No. 86) 1