Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 18.138:677 Canning and can making industry in Norway
Canning and can making industry in Norway.
C18.138-677 Canning and can making industry in Norway. 1
C 18.138:678 Visit of German hardware manufacturers to U.S
Visit of German hardware manufacturers to U.S.
C18.138-678 Visit of German hardware manufacturers to U.S. 1
C 18.138:679 Canning and can making industry in Italy
Canning and can making industry in Italy.
C18.138-679 Canning and can making industry in Italy. 1
C 18.138:680 Exports of power pumps from U.S.
Exports of power pumps from U.S
C18.138-680 Exports of power pumps from U.S. 1
C 18.138:682 Canning and can making industry in Portugal
Canning and can making industry in Portugal.
C18.138-682 Canning and can making industry in Portugal. 1
C 18.138:683 Canning and can making industry of Spain
Canning and can making industry of Spain.
C18.138-683 Canning and can making industry of Spain. 1
C 18.138:684 Austrian tobacco monopoly machinery requirements
Austrian tobacco monopoly machinery requirements.
C18.138-684 Austrian tobacco monopoly machinery requirements. 1
C 18.138:688 German laundry machinery market
German laundry machinery market.
C18.138-688 German laundry machinery market. 1
C 18.138:691 Modern canning factory and preserving plant to be erected in Mauritius
Modern canning factory and preserving plant to be erected in Mauritius.
C18.138-691 Modern canning factory and preserving plant to be erected in Mauritius. 1
C 18.138:692 Request from Germany for information on canning processes and can-making machinery
Request from Germany for information on canning processes and can-making machinery.
C18.138-692 Request from Germany for information on canning processes and can-making machinery. 1