Call Number (LC) Title Results
C18.2-53 Grade marks on lumber are customer's guaranty. 1
C18.2-54 Export services of Lumber Division. 1
C18.2-55 Directory of exporters of American lumber. 1
C18.2-56 Methods of handling American lumber in Germany, Spain, and Italy. 1
C18.2-57 Services to lumber industry through U.S. Department of Commerce. 1
C18.2-58 Methods of handling lumber imports in South Africa. 1
C18.2-59 Methods of handling American lumber in Mexico, Central America, and West Indies. 1
C18.2-60 Exporting machinery on credit. 1
C18.2-61 Analyzing foreign machinery markets statistically. 1
C18.2-62 Developing machinery markets abroad. 1
C18.2-63 Shippers' guide in declaring machinery for export. 1
C18.2-64 Practical aids to independent merchant : retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer. 1
C18.2-65 Travel routes and costs in Mexico. 1
C18.2-67 Saving of waste paper material : how to select, assort, and dispose of waste paper, rags, and other paper-making material. 1
C18.2-68 Paper Division : what it means to paper and allied industries. 1
C18.2-69 Selling American paper and printing supplies in foreign markets. 1
C18.2-70 Glossary of paper terms and instructions to exporters ... 1
C18.2-71 Petroleum in foreign trade and services of Petroleum Division. 1
C18.2-72 Appointments to positions at home and abroad in Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 1
C18.2-73 Analyzing retail selling costs : cost of selling commodities over retail counter. 1