Call Number (LC) Title Results
C18.5-6.168 Aden coffee market. 1
C18.5-6.169 Canada's trade in last fiscal year. 1
C18.5-6.170 Difficulties of Chilean shoe trade 1
C18.5-6.171 Sugar industry of Cuba. 1
C18.5-6.172 Tea trade of China. 1
C18.5-6.173 Daily consular and trade reports. 1
C18.5-6.174 Tractors and other motors in foreign markets. 1
C18.5-6.175 Imports from U.S. into Liverpool. 1
C18.5-6.176 British Indian trade in wheat, jute, cotton, and rice. 1
C18.5-6.177 Foreign markets for milk clarifiers. 1
C18.5-6.178 Banking in Japan. 1
C18.5-6.179 South Africa's production of various minerals. 1
C18.5-6.18 Brazil offers prizes in science and art. 1
C18.5-6.180 Italian control of playing-card sales. 1
C18.5-6.181 Changing Chinese industries. 1
C18.5-6.182 Boots and shoes in New Zealand. 1
C18.5-6.183 Cattle industry in Rio Grande do Sul. 1
C18.5-6.184 Projected central warehouse for Montevideo. 1
C18.5-6.185 Chile's trade in paper and paper products 522-524. 1
C18.5-6.186 Coffee industry of French Indo-China. 1