Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 31.131:70 History and development of biographical inventory.
The history and development of the biographical inventory /
C31.131..70 History and development of biographical inventory. 1
C 31.131:71 Study of effect of training in slow flight on landing performance.
A study of the effect of training in slow flight on landing performance /
C31.131..71 Study of effect of training in slow flight on landing performance. 1
C 31.131:72 Analysis of CAA records on airline transport pilots. 1
C31.131..72 Analysis of CAA records on airline transport pilots. 1
C 31.131:73 Airline pilot : Survey of critical requirements of his job and of pilot evaluation and selection procedures. 1
C31.131..73 Airline pilot : Survey of critical requirements of his job and of pilot evaluation and selection procedures. 1
C 31.131:74 Study of accuracy of recognition of incipient stall in familiar and unfamiliar planes.
A study of the accuracy of recognition of the incipient stall in familiar and unfamiliar planes /
C31.131..74 Study of accuracy of recognition of incipient stall in familiar and unfamiliar planes. 1
C 31.131:75 Investigation of learning of stall perception.
An investigation of the learning of stall perception /
C31.131..75 Investigation of learning of stall perception. 1
C 31.131:76 Psychological problems in cockpit Instrumentation for omni-directional range (ODR) and distance measuring equipment (DME)
Psychological problems in cockpit instrumentation for the omni-directional range (ODR) and distance measuring equipment (DME) /
C31.131..76 Psychological problems in cockpit Instrumentation for omni-directional range (ODR) and distance measuring equipment (DME) 1
C 31.131:77 Study of serious and fatal accident records during 1939 and 1940 [aviation]
A study of serious and fatal accident records during 1939 and 1940 /
C31.131..77 Study of serious and fatal accident records during 1939 and 1940 [aviation] 1
C 31.131:78 Investigation of relationship between visual ability and flight performance.
An Investigation of the relationship between visual ability and flight performance /
C31.131..78 Investigation of relationship between visual ability and flight performance. 1
C 31.131:79 The inconsistency of pilot performance in approaching the stall : relationship to flight conditions, experience, and age /
Inconsistency of pilot performance in approaching stall, relationship to flight conditions, experience, and age.
C31.131..79 Inconsistency of pilot performance in approaching stall, relationship to flight conditions, experience, and age. 1