Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 31.207..4496 Order denying oral argument in the matter of Roy James Carver, respondent, holder of Commercial Pilot Certificate No. 237700. 1
C31.207..4496 Order denying oral argument in the matter of Roy James Carver, respondent, holder of Commercial Pilot Certificate No. 237700. 1
C 31.207..4497 Order denying oral argument in the matter of Earl Thornburgh Lamons, respondent, holder of Private Pilot Certificate No. 146894. 1
C31.207..4497 Order denying oral argument in the matter of Earl Thornburgh Lamons, respondent, holder of Private Pilot Certificate No. 146894. 1
C 31.207..4498 Order reissuing certificates in the matter of the reissuance of the certificates of public convenience and necessity of Delta Airlines, Inc. formerly Delta Air Corporation. 1
C31.207..4498 Order reissuing certificates in the matter of the reissuance of the certificates of public convenience and necessity of Delta Airlines, Inc. formerly Delta Air Corporation. 1
C 31.207..4499 Order permitting immediate inauguration of non-stop service in the matter of a non-stop notice of American Airlines, Inc. filed pursuant to sections 238.3 and 238.5 of the Economic Regulations. 1
C31.207..4499 Order permitting immediate inauguration of non-stop service in the matter of a non-stop notice of American Airlines, Inc. filed pursuant to sections 238.3 and 238.5 of the Economic Regulations. 1
C 31.207..4500 Order permitting the immediate inauguration of non-stop service in the matter of a non-stop notice of American Airlines, Inc. filed pursuant to sections 238.4 and 238.7 of the Economic Regulations. 1
C31.207..4500 Order permitting the immediate inauguration of non-stop service in the matter of a non-stop notice of American Airlines, Inc. filed pursuant to sections 238.4 and 238.7 of the Economic Regulations. 1
C 31.207..4501 Order approving agreement in the matter of an agreement filed under section 412(a) if the Act by and between United Air Lines, Inc. and Northwest Airlines, Inc. relating to filling and drying Northwest's oxygen bottles at La Guardia Field. 1
C31.207..4501 Order approving agreement in the matter of an agreement filed under section 412(a) if the Act by and between United Air Lines, Inc. and Northwest Airlines, Inc. relating to filling and drying Northwest's oxygen bottles at La Guardia Field. 1
C 31.207..4502 Order dismissing application in the matter of the application of Southwest Feeder Airlines, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 401 if the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended. 1
C31.207..4502 Order dismissing application in the matter of the application of Southwest Feeder Airlines, Inc. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under section 401 if the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended. 1
C 31.207..4503 Order granting permission to intervene in the matter of the application of Robert C, Reeve doing business as Reeve Airways for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or exemption order under section 401 and/or section 416 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended. 1
C31.207..4503 Order granting permission to intervene in the matter of the application of Robert C, Reeve doing business as Reeve Airways for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or exemption order under section 401 and/or section 416 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended. 1
C 31.207..4504 Order granting permission for expeditious use of airport in the matter of an airport notice of American Overseas Airlines, Inc. filed pursuant to sections 238.4 and 238.7 of the Economic Regulations. 1
C31.207..4504 Order granting permission for expeditious use of airport in the matter of an airport notice of American Overseas Airlines, Inc. filed pursuant to sections 238.4 and 238.7 of the Economic Regulations. 1
C 31.207..4505 Order disposing of petitions to intervene in the matter of the applications of Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc. and other applicants for certificates and amendments of certificates of public convenience and necessity known as the Kansas City-Memphis-Florida Case. 1
C31.207..4505 Order disposing of petitions to intervene in the matter of the applications of Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc. and other applicants for certificates and amendments of certificates of public convenience and necessity known as the Kansas City-Memphis-Florida Case. 1