C 55.102:F 66x
Automated local evaluation in real time : a cooperative flood warning system for your community. |
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C 55.102:F 76/3
National Hurricane Center forecast verification |
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C 55.102:F 92
Frost and the prevention of frost damage / |
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C 55.102:F 98
Applying FX-Connect to the prototype aviation collaborative effort at the Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Center |
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Your match would be here. |
C 55.102:G 15/REPORT
Report to Congress : gaps in NEXRAD radar coverage. |
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C 55.102:G 15/STUDY
Study : gaps in NEXRAD radar coverage. |
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C 55.102:G 33/978
Getting through : a hurricane safety message to administrators of hospitals and other medical facilities. |
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C 55.102:H 53
Weather highlights from 1899-2000. |
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C 55.102:H 88
Human resources and position management plan for the National Weather Service modernization and associated restructuring |
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C 55.102:H 88/2
Human resources and position management plan for the National Weather Service modernization and associated restructuring |
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C 55.102:H 94
Hurricanes-- : the greatest storms on earth : a preparedness guide. |
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C 55.102:H 94/6
Hurricanes, Florida and You. |
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C 55.102:H 94/6/977
Hurricanes, Florida and you. |
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C 55.102:H 94/7
Hurricane warning : Owlie Skywarn : a booklet for boys and girls / |
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C 55.102:H 94/8
When a hurricane threatens : safety precautions during the greatest storm on earth. |
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C 55.102:H 94/9
Como sobrevivir en un huracán. |
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C 55.102:H 94/10
Hurricane Opal, September 27 - October 6, 1995. |
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C 55.102:H 94/979
The naming of hurricanes. |
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C 55.102:H 94/982
The Naming of hurricanes. |
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C 55.102:H 99
River and Flood Program. |
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