Call Number (LC) Title Results
C602-5 Dredging and hydrographic records of U.S. Fisheries steamer Albatross for 1906 1
C602-6 Fisheries of Alaska in 1907 1
C602-7 Fisheries of Alaska in 1908 1
C602-8 Fisheries of Alaska in 1909 1
C602-9 Fur-seal fisheries of Alaska in 1909 1
C602-10 Aquatic plants in pond culture 1
C602-11 Statistics of fisheries of Middle Atlantic states for 1904 1
C602-12 Fishes of Connecticut lakes and neighboring waters with notes on plankton environment. 1
C602-13 Devils Lake, North Dakota study of physical and biological conditions, with view to acclimatization of fish. 1
C602-14 Distribution of fish and fish eggs during fiscal year 1907 1
C602-15 Distribution of fish and fish eggs during fiscal year 1908 1
C602-16 Distribution of fish and fish eggs during fiscal year 1909 1
C602-17 Bureau of Fisheries 1
C602-18 U.S. Bureau of Fisheries its establishment, functions, organization, resources, operations, and achievements. 1
C602-19 Propagation and distribution of food fishes in 1905 1
C602-20 Distribution of food fishes during fiscal year 1906 1
C602-21 Culture of Montana grayling 1
C602-22 International Fishery Congress organized at Paris in 1900 [announcement] 1
C602-23 Statistics of fisheries of New England States for 1905 1
C602-24 Survey of oyster bottoms in Matagorda Bay, Texas 1