Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB245 .S25 1946 Agua, cielo, tierra y gente. 1
CB245 .S26 1999 Saving face, losing face, in your face : a journey into the Western heart, mind and soul / 1
CB245 .S325 1997 Metaphors and action schemes : some themes in intellectual history / 1
CB245 .S53 La civilisation occidentale. 1
CB245 .S56913 1978 A world split apart : commencement address delivered at Harvard University, June 8, 1978 / 1
CB245.S5693 S64 Solzhenitsyn at Harvard : the address, twelve early responses, and six later reflections / 2
CB245 .S576 2019 Sources of the making of the west : peoples and cultures / 1
CB245 .S715 2014 How the West won : the neglected story of the triumph of modernity / 1
CB245.S743 2003 Western Civilization in World History. 1
CB245 .S743 2003eb Western civilization in world history 1
CB245 .S75 The rise and development of Western civilization / 1
CB245 .T33 1990 Greek fire / 2
CB245 .T485 2021 Contesting Islam, constructing race and sexuality : the inordinate desire of the West / 1
CB245 .T533 2002eb Thresholds of western culture : identity, postcoloniality, transnationalism / 1
CB245 .T54 Great issues in Western civilization / 1
CB245 .T69 2000 Tradita et inventa : Beiträge zur Rezeption der Antike / 1
CB245 .T87 2014 European intellectual history : from Rousseau to Nietzsche / 1
CB245.T88 European Intellectual History from Rousseau to Nietzsche. 1
CB245 .T88 2014 European Intellectual History from Rousseau to Nietzsche / 1
CB245 .T88 2015 European intellectual history : from Rousseau to Nietzsche / 1