Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB355 .C37 2017 The Capetian century, 1214-1314 / 1
CB355 .D26 Life on a mediaeval barony : a picture of a typical feudal community in the thirteenth century / 1
CB355 .G4 1968 Le 13e siècle européen. 1
CB355 .K38 2008 Die Rhythmen politischer Reform im späten Mittelalter : institutioneller Wandel in Deutschland, England und an der Kurie 1198-1400 im Vergleich / 1
CB355 .S35 1994 Scientia und ars im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter / 1
CB355 .V35 2001 The princely court : medieval courts and culture in north-west Europe, 1270-1380 / 1
CB355.V35 2001 The Princely Court : Medieval Courts and Culture in North-West Europe, 1270-1380. 1
CB355 .W2 1909 The thirteenth, greatest of centuries / 1
CB355 . W2 1912 The thirteenth, greatest of centuries / 1
CB357 Connected mobilities in the early modern world : the practice and experience of movement /
A history of modern culture.
Disciplines of modernity : archives, histories, anthropologies /
Neue Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der frühen Neuzeit : ein Handbuch /
Delimiting Modernities : Conceptual Challenges and Regional Responses /
CB357 .A55 The modern Western experience / 2
CB357 .A8 1918a Modern European civilization : a textbook for secondary schools / 1
CB357 .B4 1970 From Renaissance to Revolution : a study of the influence of the Renaissance upon the political development of Europe / 1
CB357 .B55 1988 The great seesaw : a new view of the western world, 1750-2000 / 1
CB357 .B7 Modern civilization : a history of the last five centuries / 1
CB357 .B87 2016 Secret history and historical consciousness : from the Renaissance to romanticism / 1
CB357 .C665 2012 Comparative early modernities, 1100-1800 / 1
CB357 .E53 2009 Enchantments of modernity : empire, nation, globalization / 1
CB357 .F54 2008 Figurations of modernity : global and local representations in comparative perspective / 1
CB357 .F73 A cultural history of the modern age : the crisis of the European soul from the black death to the world war / 2