Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB401 .K57 2010 Die Stabilisierungsmoderne : Deutschland und Europa 1618-1715 / 1
CB401 .L35 2014 Geburt der Gegenwart : eine Geschichte der Zeit im 17. Jahrhundert / 1
CB401 .L4 Le XVIIe siècle. 1
CB401 .L6 The seventeenth century / 1
CB401 .M3613 From humanism to science 1480 to 1700 / 1
CB401 .N45 2019 Disharmony of the spheres : the Europe of Holbein's ambassadors / 1
CB401.N64 M66 2023 Mercenaries of knowledge : Vicente Nogueira, the republic of letters, and the making of late Renaissance politics / 2
CB401 .O94 2019 The Oxford handbook of the Baroque / 1
CB401 .Q47 2020 The quest for certainty in early modern Europe from inquisition to inquiry, 1550-1700 / 3
CB401 .R44 1995 Religion und Religiosität im Zeitalter des Barock / 1
CB401 .R45 Synthèse du XVIIe siècle : la France classique et l'Europe bvaroque. 1
CB401 .S56 1978 The baroque : literature and culture in seventeenth-century Europe / 1
CB401 .U6 2000 La transmission du savoir dans l'Europe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles : [actes du 3e colloque du Groupe de recherche XVIe et XVIIe siècles en Europe de l'Université de Nancy II] 20, 21, 22 novembre 1997 / 1
CB401 .U6613 1995 Baroque personae / 1
CB401 .W4 The age of reason : the culture of the seventeenth century / 1
CB401 .W67 2010 World-building and the early modern imagination / 1
CB401 .W67 2010eb World-building and the early modern imagination / 1
CB411 Teaching the Eighteenth Century Now Pedagogy As Ethical Engagement.
REASON AND IMAGINATION studies in the history of ideas 1600-1800.
CB411 .A16 2020 1650-1850 : ideas, aesthetics, and inquiries in the Early Modern era / 1
CB411 .A18 2006 Le XVIIIe, un siècle de décadence? / 1