Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB428 .C53 1996 Po sun di shi jie : xian dai wen ming di yin ying / 1
CB428 .C58 1989 Ariadne's thread : the search for new modes of thinking / 2
CB428 .C67 O século do nada. 1
CB428 .C851 2009 CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION : volume 1, 2009. 1
CB428 .D4613 The eighth night of creation : life on the edge of human history / 2
CB428 .D73 1987 The fifties in Vogue / 3
CB428 .E64 1995 Die ungewollte Moderne : Ost-West Passagen / 1
CB428 .E83 2004eb Esthétique et recyclages culturels : explorations de la culture contemporaine / 1
CB428 .E87 2004eb Esthétique et recyclages culturels explorations de la culture contemporaine / 1
CB428 .E92 2011eb Europa, interdisciplinariteit en wetenschap : lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw / 1
CB428 .F5613 1995 The defeat of the mind / 1
CB428 .F5713 1997 The wisdom of love = La sagesse de l'amour / 1
CB428 .F76 1973 Além do apenas moderno ; sugestôes em torno de possiveis futuros do homem, em geral, e do homem brasileiro, em particular / 1
CB428 .F7618 1977 Más allá de lo moderno / 1
CB428 .F77 The relevance of ancient social and political philosophy for our times : a short introduction to the problem / 1
CB428 .F84 Critical path / 1
CB428 .G44 The fortunes of the West : the future of the Atlantic nations. 1
CB428 .G46 Science and the crisis in society / 1
CB428 .G52 Tradition for the future: human values and social purpose. 1
CB428G52 1972 Tradition for the future : human values and social purpose. 1