Call Number (LC) Title Results
CB475 .M57 2016 The mirror in medieval and early modern culture : specular reflections / 1
CB475 .M67 1999 Dreamtime / 1
CB475 .M674 1997 Turtle was gone a long time / 1
CB475 .M8 1971 Symbolism of the East and West / 1
CB475 .O37 1992 Reverse symbolism dictionary : symbols listed by subject / 2
CB475 .O37 2022 Reverse symbolism dictionary : symbols listed by subject / 1
CB475 .O38 1986 Symbolism : a comprehensive dictionary / 1
CB475 .P3718 2006eb Una historia simbolica de la edad media occidental 1
CB475 .S24 2009 Sacred symbols : a visual tour of world faith / 1
CB475 .S67 Symbol und Symbolismus in den ästhetischen Theorien des 18. Jahrhunderts und der deutschen Romantik. 1
CB475 .S96 Symbol as sense : new approaches to the analysis of meaning / 2
CB475 .T87 1974  
CB475 .W45 1988 The woman's dictionary of symbols and sacred objects / 1
CB475 .Z467 2001 Zhongguo xiang zheng wen hua / 1
CB478 Evolutionary intelligence : how technology will make us smarter /
Unbestimmtheitssignaturen der Technik Eine neue Deutung der technisierten Welt.
Informational Lights from Service Science for the progression of Society
Wetenschap en utopie : lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw.
Technology and the growth of civilization
Sustainability beyond technology : philosophy, critique, and implications for human organization /
Digital China Creativity and Community in the Sinocybersphere
SCIENCE AND CULTURE lisa jardine, jean michel massing and simon schaffer.
SCIENCE : a Many-Splendored Thing.
Science, technology and society : an introduction /
I, human : AI, automation, and the quest to reclaim what makes us unique /
Here be dragons : science, technology and the future of humanity /
The Triumph of Technology : the BBC Reith Lectures 2005 /
The condition of digitality : a post-modern Marxism for the practice of digital life /
Problems of dialogue between modern civilizations and cultures /
CB478 .A34 1996 Paths of Fire : an Anthropologist's Inquiry into Western Technology.
Paths of fire : an anthropologist's inquiry into Western technology /
CB478 .A77 1991 The march of the millennia : a key to looking at history / 2
CB478 .B36 Współczesne problemy filozofii techniki : studium z zakresu eutyfroniki. 1
CB478 .B4 La sociedad ante el imperativo tecnológico : [5 conferencias] 1
CB478 .B43 The homeless mind : modernization and consciousness /
The homeless mind; modernization and consciousness