Call Number (LC) Title Results
CC-B_17861_00079a [List of Enrolled Stockbridge and Munsee Indians] 1
CC-B_17861_00080 Brief for the Claimants, on Propositions Submitted by the Court. 1
CC-B_17861_00083 Petition of Certain St. Regis Indians. 1
CC-B_17861_00084 In the Matter of the Petition of Eleazer Printup, an Onondaga Indian for the Enrollment of his Infant Children. 1
CC-B_17861_00086 Petition of Miles E. Welch and Ambrose Henry Ross, Members of the Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe of Indians. 1
CC-B_17861_00088 Brief on Behalf of the Stockbridge and Munsee Indians Enumerated in List Appended to Decree of May 18, 1905. 1
CC-B_17861_00092a Supplemental Memoranda Brief. 1
CC-B_17861_00094 The Petition of Certain New York Indians Residing in Canada for Leave to Share in the New York Indian Fund. 1
CC-B_17861_00094b Special Report as to Brothertowns. 1
CC-B_17861_00095a [Tuscarora Tribe Attorney Authorization] 1
CC-B_17861_00097 Motion to Extend Time for Filing Petitions Under 31 of Decree of May 18, 1905. 1
CC-B_17861_00097a Affidavit Upon Attorney's Fees Awarded Herein. 1
CC-B_17861_00099 [Applications for Inclusion of Brothertown Indians in the Roll of the New York Indians] 1
CC-B_17861_00099b With Regard to Tuscarora Fee. 1
CC-B_17861_00101 Application for Extension of Time in Which Petitions May be Filed. 1
CC-B_17861_00103 Exception to Report of Special Commissioner. 1
CC-B_17861_00103a In re: Controversies of the New York Indians. 1
CC-B_17861_00104a In re: Controversies of the New York Indians. 1
CC-B_17861_00107 Classification of Exception to Report. 1
CC-B_17861_00108a Application for Appeal. 1