Call Number (LC) Title Results
CC-DOI_104_00001 Recommends Disapproval of Act of Creek or Muskogee Nation, Appropriating $57.50 in Favor of James Sulphur for Services as Teacher. 1
CC-DOI_104_00002 Transmits Act of Creek Council in Favor of James Sulphur, Recommending that it be Disapproved. 1
CC-DOI_104_00003 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Creek Nation dated Dec. 20, 1902] 1
CC-DOI_112A_00001 Report of the Department of the Interior to the Attorney General, dated June 24, 1912. 1
CC-DOI_116_00001a [Dept. of Interior letter re: Quinault Nation dated June 8, 1905] 1
CC-DOI_124_00001 Forwards Letter from Creek Delegates, Expressing a Desire for Negotiations in Respect of Certain Lands in Indian Territory, See Act March 3, 1888. 1
CC-DOI_130_00003 Transmits act of Creek Council Providing for Appointment of four Delegation to Represent Creek Nation During Present Session of Congress Recommending that it be Disapproved. 1
CC-DOI_142_00001 Transmits Resolution Approved by Principal Chief Choctaw Nation for Transmission to Secretary Interior. 1
CC-DOI_142_00001a Recommends Approval of Creek Act Providing for the Support of the National Boarding Schools. 1
CC-DOI_142_00002 Submits, for Executive Action, Creek Act Making Appropriation for Schools. 1
CC-DOI_142_00003 Transmitting Report from Inspector Wright, Enclosing Act of the National Council of the Creek Nation, Appropriating $2,000.00 for Repairs of Buildings and New Furniture for Nuyaka, Boarding School with Recommendation that it be Approved. 1
CC-DOI_144_00001 Recommends Approval of Creek Act to Provide for the Support of the Coweta National Boarding School. 1
CC-DOI_144_00002 Submits, for Executive Action, Creek Act for Support of Coweta School. 1
CC-DOI_149_00001 Recommends Approval of Creek Act Providing for the Transfer of the Nuyaka Indian Boarding School Owned by the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions. 1
CC-DOI_149_00002 Submits for Executive Action, Creek Act to Purchase Buildings of Nuyaka Mission. 1
CC-DOI_153_00001 Recommends Approval of Creek Act Providing for the Cancellation of Auditor's Certificates. 1
CC-DOI_153_00002 An Act to Provide for the Cancellation of Auditor's Certificates. 1
CC-DOI_154_00001 Recommends Approval of Creek act Providing for the Support of the Colored Orphan Asyium. 1
CC-DOI_154_00002 Submits, for Executive Action, Creek Act for Support of Orphan Asylum. 1
CC-DOI_155_00001 Submits, for Executive Action, Creek Act to Buy Furniture for Coweta Mission. 1