Call Number (LC) Title Results
CC-DOI_1294_00001 Opinion of Assistant Attorney General as to the Construction that Should be Placed upon the Various Sections of the Creek, Relative to Appraisement. 1
CC-DOI_1326_00001 [Letter on Indefinite Continuance of Current Tribal Governments] 1
CC-DOI_1381_00001 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Creek Nation dated Feb. 21, 1912] 1
CC-DOI_1381_00002 Tullahassee Boarding School for Creek Freedmen. 1
CC-DOI_1440_00001 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation dated Jan. 23, 1907] 1
CC-DOI_1440_00002 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Choctaw and Chickasaw dated Jan. 26, 1907] 1
CC-DOI_1444_00001 Transmits Memorial of Legislature of the Chickasaw Nation, Relative to the Mississippi Choctaws. 1
CC-DOI_1446_00001 In re Payment Due in Case of Flizabeth Farve, deceased. 1
CC-DOI_1448_00002 Respectfully Submits Memorial of the National Legislature of the Chickasaw Nation, Approved by the Governor Dec. 9, 1905, Relative to Mississippi Choctaws. 1
CC-DOI_1454_00001 [Report from the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes re:Propsed Supplemental Agreement to Atoka Agreement] 1
CC-DOI_1484_00001 Amendment Intended to be Proposed by Mr. Platt, of Connecticut. 1
CC-DOI_1486_00001 Transmits Resolution of Chickasaw Legislative, Urging Per Capita Payment of Townsite Moneys. 1
CC-DOI_1486_00002 Transmits Resolution of the National Legislature of the Chickasaw Nation Urging the Per Capita Payment of the Townsite Moneys of the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations, and Recommends that Inspector be Advised to Inform the Governor of the Chickasaw Nation that it is Impracticable to Make the Payment Referred to in said Resolution at this Time. 1
CC-DOI_1495_00001 Relative to Certain Investigation Made in Pursuance Act of March 3, 1905" An Act to aim in Quieting Title to Certain Lands in Klamath Indian Reservation in the State of Oregon. 1
CC-DOI_1495_00002 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Klamath Tribes and Klamath dated June 29, 1906] 1
CC-DOI_1495_00003 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Klamath Tribes and Klamath dated May 4, 1905] 1
CC-DOI_1495_00004 [Dept. of the Interior letter re: Klamath Indian Reservation in the State of Oregon, dated June 3, 1905] 1
CC-DOI_1495_00005 To Pay Expenses of Investigation of Title to Certain Land from the Appropriation for Contingencies of the Indian Department, 1906. 1
CC-DOI_1512_00001 [Dept. of Interior Delaware Agency Letters] 1
CC-DOI_1517_00001 [Dept. of Interior letter re: Klamath Tribes and Klamath dated Feb. 9, 1904] 1