Call Number (LC) Title Results
CC-EX_56207_00001 [Telegram re: Regulations on Per Capita Payments and Expenses] 1
CC-EX_56207_00002 Per Capita Payments Under the Act of May 25, 1918, to Enrolled Members of Choctaw- Chickasaw and Seminole Tribes. 1
CC-EX_57174_00001 Memorandum. 1
CC-EX_57599_00001 [Letter re: Thomas B. Lantham on Seminole Mineral Rights Case, dated Feb. 21, 1929] 1
CC-EX_57812_00001 Refusal of Principal Chief to Sign Seminole Deeds. 1
CC-EX_58048_00001 Refusal of Principal Chief to Sign Seminole Deeds. 1
CC-EX_58257_00001 A Certain Contract given by the Seminole Indians. 1
CC-EX_58742_00001 [Letter from E. B. Meritt, Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs, to William Donner, Superintendent, Keshena Indian Agency, Wisconsin, Relating to Logging Operations on the Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin, and Providing for the Evaluation and Use of Merchantable Timber Damaged or Lost by the Fires of May, 1925.] 1
CC-EX_58742_00002 Menominee Indian Mills. 1
CC-EX_59379_00001 In re: Enclosing Oil and Gas Mining Leases on Mekusukey Mission, Seminole Nation. 1
CC-EX_59379_00002 Oil and Gas Mining Leases Upon Mekusukey Mission Land Seminole Nation, Oklahoma. 1
CC-EX_60569_00001 [Letter to Sec. of the Interior re: Emahaka Mission Property in the Seminole Nation] 1
CC-EX_61715_00001 Re Mekasukey Mission Reservation. 1
CC-EX_61802_00001 Registering of Mail in re Per Capita Payments. 1
CC-EX_63665_00001 [Telegram and letter re: Distributing Mekusukey Boarding School Supplies to Destitute Seminoles] 1
CC-EX_67390_00002 [Original Letter with Draft Remarks to Charles M. Howell, Attorney at law, from the Dept. of the Interior re: Thomas B. Latham's Attorney Contract with Certain Seminole Indians] 1
CC-EX_68904_00001 [Letter to the Comm. of Indian Affairs Recommending Auction of Unsold Tribal Lands Held by the Five Civilized Tribes, dated Aug. 22, 1922] 1
CC-EX_69619_00001 Amendment of Menominee Act. 1
CC-EX_70832_00001 [Letter to Sec. of the Interior re: Sale of Lots and Oil and Gas Leases in the Seminole Nation] 1
CC-EX_71221_00001 In re: Emahalka Mission Property. 1