Call Number (LC) Title Results
CC75 .W45 Archaeology from the earth. 1
CC75 .W46 1956 Archaeology from the earth / 1
CC75.W464 2014 Strung out on archaeology : an introduction to archaeological research / 1
CC75 .W6 1960 Digging up the past. 1
CC75 .W6 1965 Digging up the past / 1
CC75 ebook La materialidad de la historia : la arqueología en los inicios del siglo XXI /
Topografía aplicada a la arqueología.
Arqueología y evolución : teoría, metodología y casos de estudio /
El concepto de prestigio en arqueología prehistórica.
CC75.5 Handbook for the analysis of micro-particles in archaeological samples 1
CC75.5 .C55 2020 Digging deeper : how archaeology works / 1
CC75.5 .W37 1992eb The amateur archaeologist 1
CC75.7 Capturing the senses : digital methods for sensory archaeologies /
A faith in archaeological science : reflections on a life /
Analytical archaeometry
Archaeological 3d GIS /
Marx's ghost : conversations with archaeologists /
Holocaust archaeologies : approaches and future directions /
Making time : the archaeology of time revisited /
Network analysis in archaeology : new approaches to regional interaction /
Exploring human behavior through isotope analysis : applications in archaeological research /
Rewriting history : changing perceptions of the past /
CC75.7 .A45 2003 Alluvial archaeology in Europe : proceedings of the Alluvial Archaeology of North-West Europe and Mediteranian [sic], 18-19 December 2000, Leeds, UK / 1
CC75.7 .A53 2003 Ancient muses : archaeology and the arts / 1
CC75.7 .A53 2003eb Ancient muses : archaeology and the arts / 1
CC75.7 .A56 1991 The Annales school and archaeology / 1
CC75.7 .A59 2013 Making senses of the past : toward a sensory archaeology / 2
CC75.7 .A71855 2007 Archaeological anthropology : perspectives on method and theory / 1
CC75.7 .A7189 2009 Archaeological science under a microscope studies in residue and ancient DNA analysis in honour of Thomas H. Loy / 2
CC75.7 .A72 1985 The Archaeologist and the laboratory / 1
CC75.7 A72 1985 The Archaeologist and the laboratory / 1
CC75.7 .A724 Archeomaterials. 1