Call Number (LC) Title Results
CC77.S5 R36 2015eb Constructing histories : archaic freshwater shell mounds and social landscapes of the St. Johns River, Florida / 1
CC77.S53 A73 2015eb The archaeology of slavery : a comparative approach to captivity and coercion / 3
CC77 .S9 Surveying in archaeology underwater / 1
CC77 .T53 Shipwrecks and archaeology : the unharvested sea. 1
CC77.U5 Threats to our ocean heritage : potentially polluting wrecks /
Archaeology of Manila Galleon seaports and early maritime globalization /
Sea ports and sea power : African maritime cultural landscapes /
Maritime and underwater cultural heritage management on the historic and Arabian trade routes
Man : 12,000 years under the sea : a story of underwater archaeology /
Under the sea : archaeology and palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf /
North Sea Archaeologies : a Maritime Biography, 10,000 BC - AD 1500.
Connected by the Sea : Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Denmark 2003.
Digital in underwater cultural heritage /
Underwater cultural heritage : ethical concepts and practical challenges /
Threats to our ocean heritage : bottom trawling /
Technical means for underwater archaeology /
International handbook of underwater archaeology /
Seabed Prehistory: Investigating the Palaeogeography and Early Middle Palaeolithic Archaeology in the Southern North Sea.
3D recording and interpretation for maritime archaeology /
Shipwreck archaeology in China Sea /
Pieces of eight : more archaeology of piracy /
Excavating the histories of slave-trade and pirate ships : property, plunder and loss /
Formation processes of maritime archaeological landscapes /
El valor histórico-arqueológico del mar
Underwater archaeology of a Pacific battlefield : the WWII Battle of Saipan /
CC77.U5 A67 2008 Archaeological oceanography / 1
CC77.U5 A71 1992 Archaeology underwater : the NAS guide to principles and practice / 1
CC77.U5 A72 Archeologia subacquea : Studi, ricerche e documenti / 1
CC77.U5 A72 1992 Archaeology underwater : the NAS guide to principles and practice / 1
CC77.U5 A73 2011 The archaeology of maritime landscapes 1
CC77.U5 .A73 2013 The archaeology of watercraft abandonment 1
CC77.U5 A73 2021 The archaeology of Manila galleons in the American continent : the wrecks of Baja California, San Agustín, and Santo Cristo de Burgos (Oregon) / 1
CC77.U5 A734 1994 L'archéologie sous les eaux. 1
CC77.U5 A74 1980 Archeology under water : an atlas of the world's submerged sites / 1
CC77.U5 B455 2019 Bridging the Gap in Maritime Archaeology. 1
CC77.U5 B48 2014 Meeting challenges in the public interpretation of maritime 1
CC77.U5 B5613 1996 Underwater archaeology : exploring the world beneath the sea / 2
CC77.U5 B87 Man, 12,000 years under the sea : a story of underwater archaeology / 1
CC77.U5 C37 2018 Adventures in archaeology : the wreck of the Orca II and other explorations / 2
CC77.U5 C58 2023 Citizen science in maritime archaeology : the power of public engagement / 1