Call Number (LC) Title Results
CIS 75 H382-53 International Security Assistance Act of 1975 1
CIS 75 H382-54 The question of U.N. Charter review report by the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations. 1
CIS 75 H382-56 Interparliamentary Union Conference, London, England report of the United States Delegation to the Fall Meeting of the Interparliamentary Union, held at London, England, Sept. 3-12, 1975. 1
CIS 75 H382-60 The U.S. proposal for an international grain reserves system report of a staff study mission to the September 29-30, 1975, meeting of the International Wheat Council Preparatory Group. 1
CIS 75 H401-8 FAA certification of light aircraft hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-third Congress, first session, June 12 and 13, 1973. 1
CIS 75 H402-2 Parts Standardization in Weapon Systems A Review of Defense Contractor Attitudes and Practices. 1
CIS 75 H402-4 Compiled statutes, Committee on Government Operations being a compilation of acts of Congress reported from or connected with the Committee on Government Operations. 1
CIS 75 H402-6, CIS 75 S522-10 Freedom of information act and amendments of 1974 (P. L. 93-502) source book : legislative history, texts, and other documents / 1
CIS 75 H422-3 The electronic voting system for the United States House of Representatives 1
CIS 75 H422-4 The bill status system for the United States House of Representatives 1
CIS 75 H422-6 Rules of procedure of the Committee on House Administration 1
CIS 75 H422-8 Federal election campaign laws relating to the U.S. House of Representatives 1
CIS 75 H422-11 Computer-based information resources for the United States House of Representatives 1
CIS 75 H482-1 Facts Concerning the House Committee on Internal Security 1
CIS 75 H502-2 Summary of Major Provisions of Securities Reform Act of 1975 (H.R. 10) 1
CIS 75 H502-4 Staff Report: The Federal Trade Commission, 1974 1
CIS 75 H502-5 Health insurance and the unemployed background information / 1
CIS 75 H502-6 Legislative history of Emergency petroleum allocation act of 1973 1
CIS 75 H502-7 An overview of medical malpractice 1
CIS 75 H502-8 Clean air act amendments, 1975 1