CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.124
Additional Statements of Admiral A. S. Kenny and Lieutenant-Commander Cottman hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Seventh Congress, first session, on Mar. 27, 1902. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.125
Number of Receiving Ships |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.126
Public Works -- Portsmouth Fresh Water -- Appropriation Additional |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.127
Increase Pay Corps -- Draft of Clause |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.128
Public Works -- Port Royal Training Station -- Protest -- Bureaus Supplies and Accounts and Construction and Repair |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.129
Port Royal Naval Station -- Statement of Hon. William Elliott hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Seventh Congress, first session, on Apr. 5, 1902. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.13
Schley Court Inquiry -- Printing Thereof |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.130
Shipbuilding in Government Yards -- Statements of James O'Connell, R. S. Wilson, John McNeil, and Others hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Seventh Congress, first session, on Apr. 2, 1902. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.131
Hearings on Submarine Boats hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Seventh Congress, first session, on May 20, 22, 26, 28, 1902. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.132
Staff Corps Increase hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Seventh Congress, first session, on May 29, 31, 1902. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.133
Torpedo Boats After Design of Richard B. Painton -- Statement of Col. W. W. Dudley, Attorney, and Mr. Painton, Inventor, on H.R. 7641 hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Seventh Congress, first session, on June 4, 1902. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.134
Number of Officers on Land and Sea Duty |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.135
Report H.R. 1817 -- Medals for First Battalion, U.S. Marine Corps |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.136
Statement of Senator Foster, of Washington, on Puget Sound Naval Station |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.137
Port Royal -- Bureau of Navigation -- Eliminating Items |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.138
Warrant Officers -- To Reduce Service to Six Years Instead of Ten for Promotion |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.139
Marine Quarters -- Culebra, P.R |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.14
Naval Observatory -- Board Visitors -- Item for Appropriation Bill |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.140
Surgeon-General Rixey's Letter on Hospital, Naval Academy -- Mare Island Hospital |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--H70-0.141
Memorandum -- Increase of the Medical Corps of the Navy, By Surgeon-General Rixey |
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