CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S289-13
Registration of Trade-Marks hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Patents, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 7, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S289-14
Extension of Time Limitations on Certain Patents hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Patents, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 31, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S289-15-A
Northern Pacific Land Grants. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S289-15-B
Northern Pacific Land Grants. statement of Northern Pacific Railway Company and summary of hearings / prepared by Charles W. Bunn, Grafton Mason, James B. Kerr. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S289-15-C
Northern Pacific Land Grants. reply of D.F. McGowan ... to statement of Northern Pacific Railway Company and summary of hearings / |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S29-0
Relations Between Labor and Capital. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Education and Labor, Forty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Sept. 7, 10, 12-15, 17-22, 24-28, Oct. 1, 2, 1883. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-1
Relations with Mexico hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on S. Res. 329, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Feb. 21, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-2
Nomination of W. J. Tilson hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 19, 20, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-4
Nomination of A. V. McLane, U.S. Attorney, Middle District of Tennessee hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Nomination of A. V. McLane, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Feb. 2-5, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-5
Constitutional Amendment Making War Legally Impossible hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on S.J. Res. 100, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 22, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-6
Relief of the Sachs Mercantile Company (Inc.) hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Subcommittee on S. 3980, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Feb. 16, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-7-A
Senator from Maine. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Subcommittee on S. Res. 278, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 4-8, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-7-B
Senator from Maine. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Subcommittee on S. Res. 278, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 24-27, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-8
Election of Albert B. Fall hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Sixty-Second Congress, third session. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S290-11
Edward Hines Junior Hospital at Broad View, Ill hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Subcommittee on S. 4535, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Feb. 1, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S291-1
Mexican Land Grant Frauds hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Feb. 17, 26, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S291-2
Herrick Timber Contract, Malheur National Forest, Oregon hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 28, Feb. 11, 12, 14-19, 21, 22, 24, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S292-1
Resolution Requesting All Files and Data in the Department of Agriculture Relating to Convention for Protection of Migratory Birds hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Subcommittee on S. Res. 209, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 29, Feb. 8, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S292-3
Proposed Sale of Certain Ships by the U.S. Shipping Board hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Subcommittee on S. Res. 294, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Dec. 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 23, 1926, Jan. 3-5, 1927. |
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CIS Hrgs MF Gp 1--S292-4
Election of a Senator from Pennsylvania. hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee Investigating Expenditures in Senatorial Primary and General Elections, Sixty-Ninth Congress, second session, on Jan. 12, 13, 15, 1927. |
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