Call Number (LC) Title Results
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.102 Hearing on H.R. 6520, To Authorize Granting of Perpetual Easement to Pacific Gas P Electric Co., for Existing Gas Main, Under Sunnyvale Air Base, Sunnyvale, Calif hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Second Congress, second session, on Jan. 9, 1933. 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.103 Hearing on H.R. 10035, To Authorize Transfer of Certain Lands of Charleston, S.C., Navy Yard Reservation to Certain Private Corporations hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Second Congress, second session, on Jan. 9, 10, 1933. 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.104 Hearing on H.R. 9446, To Authorize Exchange of Certain Lands Between U.S. and City of San Diego, Calif hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Second Congress, second session, on Jan. 11, 1933. 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.105 Hearing on H.R. 7226 and H.R. 14201 To Authorize Long-Term Contract for Water Supply at U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Second Congress, second session, on Jan. 11, 1933. 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.106 Authorizing Distinguished-Flying Cross to Emory B. Bronte (H.J. Res. 519). Mr. Welch 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.107 Amend Section 546, Title 34, of the U.S. Code (H.R. 13026). Mr. Bland 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.108 Authorize Marine Band Attend Disabled American Veterans of the World War National Convention, Cincinnati, Ohio (H.R. 13484). Mr. Hess 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.109 Relief of William J. Carter (H.R. 13622). Mr. Gifford 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.110 Relief of Milton Smith (H.R. 13673). Mr. Haugen 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.111 Relief of Julian M. Jordan (H.R. 13721). Mr. Britten 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.112 Relief of William Marion Wilcox (H.R. 13804). Mr. McSwain 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.113 Relief of Lyman James Alexander (H.R. 13809). Mr. Williams of Missouri 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.114 Relief of Jack H. Straight (H.R. 13987). Mr. Swank 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.115 Increase of Statutory Limit for the Repairs and Alterations to Capital Ships of the Navy (H.R. 13654). Mr. Vinson of Georgia 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.116 Authorizing Sale of Surplus Navy Coal at Nominal Prices for Distribution to the Needy (H.J. Res. 526). Mr. Lea 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.117 Relief of George Occhionero (H.R. 9231). Mr. Knutson 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.118 Relief of Edward F. Smith (H.R. 13259). Mr. Shreve 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.119 Provide Acquisition of Chappawamsic Island, Va., for Use of Navy Department (H.R. 13314). Mr. Smith of Virginia 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.120 Relief of Charles F. Hult (H.R. 13902). Mr. McCormack 1
CIS Hrgs MF Gp 2--HN 72-A.121 Relief of Charles McCarren (H.R. 13905). Mr. McCormack 1