CJ969 B713 1968a
Roman imperial coins : their art & technique / |
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CJ969 .B87 1992
Roman provincial coinage / |
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CJ969 .C365 1990
Coins of the Roman Empire / |
1 |
CJ969 .C6
Coin-inscriptions and epigraphical abbreviations of imperial Rome / |
1 |
CJ969 .C65
The medallic history of Imperial Rome : from the First Triumvirate, under Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar, to the removal of the imperial seat, by Constantine the Great / |
1 |
CJ969 .G363 2013eb
Catalogue of the late Roman, Byzantine and Barbaric coins in the Charles University collection : (364-1092 A.D.) / |
1 |
CJ969 .G74
Roman history from coins : some uses of the imperial coinage to the historian. |
1 |
CJ969 .H37 1987
Civic coins and civic politics in the Roman East, A.D. 180-275 / |
1 |
CJ969 .K56 1987
Die Münzprägung von Smyrna in der römischen Kaiserzeit / |
1 |
CJ969 .L86 1991
Zielgruppen römischer Staatskunst : die Münzen der Kaiser Augustus bis Trajan und die trajanischen Staatsreliefs / |
1 |
CJ969 .O93 1975
Catalogue of coins of the Roman Empire in the Ashmolean Museum. |
1 |
CJ969 .R64
The Roman imperial coinage / |
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CJ969 .R64 1984
The Roman imperial coinage / |
1 |
CJ969 .S3 1968
Die Rechtstitel und Regierungsprogramme auf römischen Kaisermünzen. (Von Cäsar bis Severus) |
1 |
CJ969 .S84
The emperor and the coinage : Julio-Claudian studies / |
1 |
CJ969 .S884 2018
Roman Imperial Coinage. Volume I |
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CJ969 .V34 2000
Coinage and history of the Roman Empire, c. 82 B.C.--A.D. 480 / |
1 |
CJ973 .G64 1922
The bronze coinage of the late Roman empire / |
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CJ975 .B78 1987
Die spätromische Münze als Gegenstand der Thesaurierung / |
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CJ975 .K33 1986
Münzprägung und Münzbildnis des Claudius / |
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