Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1902-PIP-0005 Special Land Laws for the Territory of Hawaii 1
CMP-1902-PRJ-0001 Abridgement : message from President to ... with reports of heads of depts. and selections from accompanying documents. 1
CMP-1903-DCH-0001 Comparative Statement of Estimated Cost to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, under the Acts Approved Feb. 12, 1901, and the Pending Bill (S. 4825) to Provide for a Union Railroad Station in the District of Columbia, and for other Purposes 1
CMP-1903-DCS-0001 Park Improvement Papers. A Series of Twenty Papers Relating to the Improvement of the Park System of the District of Columbia. Edited and Compiled by Charles Moore, the Clerk of the Committee 1
CMP-1903-DCS-0002 Park Improvement Papers -- 2d Series; No. IV. Training of American Students of Architecture and the American Academy in Rome; Together with Sketches of the French Academy 1
CMP-1903-HJH-0001 Inauguration Day 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0001 Newport Training Station -- To Install Ventilating System, etc 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0002 Hospital, Fort Bayard, N Mex., for Tuberculosis Patients 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0003 Surgeon-General Rixey's Recommendations on Personnel, Nurse Corps, Dental Corps, Fort Bayard Hospital, and Hospital Naval Academy 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0004 Dental Corps -- Surgeon-General Rixey's Recommendation 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0005 Navy-Yard, Washington -- To Close Certain Public Streets 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0006 Additional Seamen -- Appropriation Bill Increases for Pay, Outfits, Transportation, Recruiting, and Contingent 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0007 Amos, Charles, To Remove Charge of Desertion 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0008 Construction Corps, Admiral Bowles on Increase Thereof and Commutation for Quarters 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0009 Condition of Government Property, Port Royal, S.C 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0010 Estimate of Appropriation for Naval Training Station, Newport, R.I 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0011 Inspection and Construction of Naval Vessels 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0012 Pharmacists -- To Increase Number 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0013 Increase of 3,000 Men, Provision Should Be Immediately Available 1
CMP-1903-NAH-0014 Naval Chaplains if Paid as Line Officers 1