Tariff Information, 1921. Hearings on Administrative and Miscellaneous Provisions. No. 36 |
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Taxation of Incomes, Excess Profits, and Luxuries in Certain Foreign Countries. Prepared in the Legislative Reference Division, Library of Congress |
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Rural Credits. Extract from Hearings |
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Amendment to Federal Reserve Act. Hearing on S. 2263, an Act to Amend the Federal Reserve Act, Approved Dec. 23, 1913. Statements of Hon. Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury; Hon. Henry C. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture; Hon. W. P. G. Harding, Governor, Federal Reserve Board; Gray Silver, American Farm Bureau Federation; A. D. Adams, Chairman, Committee on Federal Legislation, American Bankers Association; Thomas C. Atkeson, National Grange. |
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Imported Merchandise and Retail Prices. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury Transmitting a Report by the Treasury Department on Foreign and Landed Valuation of Imported Merchandise and the Retail Selling Price in the U.S. of the same Commodities |
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Summary of Census of Manufactures, by Industries, for the U.S., 1919. Compiled by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce |
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Tariff. Hearing on H.R. 7456, an Act to Provide Revenue, to Regulate Commerce with Foreign Countries, to Encourage the Industries of the U.S., and for other Purposes. Part 56. Schedule 7 -- Agricultural Products and Provisions |
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Tariff. Hearing on H.R. 7456, an Act to Provide Revenue, to Regulate Commerce with Foreign Countries, to Encourage the Industries of the U.S., and for other Purposes. Part 57 |
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Tariff. Hearing on H.R. 7456, an Act to Provide Revenue, to Regulate Commerce with Foreign Countries, to Encourage the Industries of the U.S., and for other Purposes. Part 58 |
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Summary of Tariff Information, 1921, Relative to the Bill H.R. 7456. by the U.S. Tariff Commission |
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Trade of the U.S. with the World, 1919-1920. Imports of Merchandise into the U.S., by Countries and Principal Articles, During the Calendar Years 1919 and 1920. by the Department of Commerce |
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Valuation Investigation Report. Made by the Secretary of the Treasury in Compliance with the Act Making Appropriations to Supply Urgent Deficiencies in Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1922, and for other Purposes, Approved Aug. 24, 1921 |
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Digest of Tariff Hearings before the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, on the Bill H.R. 7456. Testimony, Briefs, and Letters. by U.S. Tariff Commission |
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Improvement of the St. Lawrence River. Extract from the Report of the International Joint Commission Concerning the Improvement of the St. Lawrence River for Navigation and Power |
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Comparative Statement Showing the Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 1922 (as of Nov. 1, 1921), the Estimates for the Fiscal Year 1923 (as Stated in the Alternative Budget), and the Increase or Decrease in the Estimates as Compared with the Appropriations |
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to Limit the Jurisdiction of U.S. District and Circuit Courts in Certain Cases. Extract from Hearing on H.R. 10212. Part 3. Statement of Mr. Alfred P. Thom |
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Charges of Hon. Oscar E. Keller Against the Attorney General and the Attorney General's Answers Thereto before the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 67th Congress, 3d Session, on H. Res. 425 |
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Development of the Imperial Valley. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior Transmitting (Pursuant to Public Act No. 208, 66th Congress, Approved May 18, 1920) a Report by the Director of the Reclamation Service on Problems of Imperial Valley and Vicinity with Respect to Irrigation from the Colorado River |
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Railroad Revenues and Expenses. Extract from Hearings. Statements of C. S. Walker, President, and James A. Emery, General Counsel of the National Industrial Council |
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Railroad Revenues and Expenses. Extracts from Hearings. Statements of Walker D. Hines; E. J. Manion; Wm. G. McAdoo; H. J. Chapman; J. F. Anderson; Henry T. Hunt; J. J. Forrester |
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