Norwegian Steamship "Hassel." Hearings on H.R. 7558, a Bill to Authorize the Payment of an Indemnity to the Government of Norway on Account of Losses Sustained by the Owners of the Norwegian Steamship "Hassel" as the Result of a Collision between that Steamship and the American Steamship "Ausable." Statements of Charles S. Haight, Esq.; Green H. Hackworth, Assistant Solicitor, Department of State |
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Chicago Sewage. Extracts from Address of Hon. Henry T. Rainey. Beardstown, Ill. Oct. 20, 1923 |
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Foreign Currency and Exchange Investigation Foreign Exchange Quotations and Curves. Serial 8 (Serial 2, Revised). by H. N. Lawrie, Assistant to Commission. |
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Progress Report. Commission of Gold and Silver Inquiry, U.S. Senate. Serial 5 |
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Gold and Silver Statistics. Serial 3 -- Revised 2d Edition. by H. N. Lawrie, Assistant to Commission |
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Proposed Modification of the Prohibition Law to Permit the Manufacture, Sale, and Use of 2.75 Per Cent Beverages. Extracts of Hearings. Part 1 |
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Arbitration of Interstate Commercial Disputes |
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Statement of James M. Beck, Solicitor General |
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Recapture Clause. Letter from the Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission Submitting Information Relative to the Status of the Recapture Clause |
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Decisions of Courts on Questions Arising under the Immigration Act of 1924. Letter from the Solicitor, Department of Labor |
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Pima Indians and the San Carlos Irrigation Project. Information Presented in Connection with S. 966, an Act for the Continuance of Construction Work on the San Carlos Federal Irrigation Project in Arizona, and for other Purposes. Special Report on Transportation and Marketing Conditions |
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Pima Indians and the San Carlos Irrigation Project. Information Presented in Connection with S. 966, an Act for the Continuance of Construction Work on the San Carlos Federal Irrigation Project in Arizona, and for other Purposes |
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Protection and Development of Lower Colorado River Basin. Information Presented in Connection with H.R. 2903 by Mr. Swing. Statements by Citizens of Arizona Relative to the Colorado River Problem and Opinions on the Legal Questions Involved |
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Boulder Dam all-American Canal Project. Excerpts from Hearing on H.R. 2903, by Mr. Swing, a Bill to Provide for the Protection and Development of the Lower Colorado River Basin |
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Needs of the Organized Reserves. Statement of the Purposes and Needs of the Organized Reserves for Presentation before the Committees of Congress, by Brig. Gen. John Ross Delafield, President of the Reserve Officers' Association of the U.S |
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Naval Reserve (H.R. 9634). Preliminary General Statememt. No. 1 |
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for Making Changes in the Turret Guns of 13 Battleships, and for other Purposes (H.R. 9018, Referred to Committee on Appropriations). No. 2 |
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to Regulate the Pay, Allowances, and Grades of Certain Officers in the U.S. Navy. No. 3 |
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Committee on Naval Affairs, House of Representatives |
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Additional Report to the Secretary of the Navy on the Postgraduate School at Annapolis. No. 5 |
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