To Authorize an Increase in the Limit of Cost of Certain Naval Vessels (H.R. 15830) |
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To Repeal the Provision in the Act Approved June 10, 1896, Prohibiting the Employment of Officers of the Navy or Marine Corps on the Active or Retired List by Persons or Companies Furnishing Naval Supplies or War Material to the Government (H.R. 15659) |
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Officers Promoted on the Retired List |
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Legislation Recommended by the Navy Department Arranged in the Order of Its Priority as Determined by the Secretary of the Navy |
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Night Work in the Postal Service. Extracts from Hearings on H.R. 3840, also H.R. 5697, H.R. 8117, and H.R. 9004. Statements of Thomas F. Flaherty, W. M. Collins, H. W. Strickland, Harry C. Weinstock, John J. Gorman, Mary V. Halas, John D. Murphy, John M. Torka, John H. Bartlett, and William R. Spilman |
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Night Work in the Postal Service. Extracts from Hearings on H.R. 3840, also H.R. 5697, H.R. 8117, and H.R. 9004. Statements and Brief of President and Officers of the United National Association of Post Office Clerks |
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to Regulate the Manufacture and Sale of Stamped Envelopes. Statement of Robert S. Regar, Third Assistant Postmaster General, on S. 3837, a Bill to Regulate the Manufacture and Sale of Stamped Envelopes. also Excerpts of Testimony by Postmaster General New and Joseph Stewart, Executive Assistant |
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Edition Regulations of the Joint Committee on Printing. Making more Effective Pub. Res. 14, 1st Session, 59th Congress, to Prevent Unnecessary Printing and Binding, Etc., Approved Mar. 30, 1906, and Superseding Regulations Promulgated May 18, 1906, and Jan. 13, 1909. Revised to Oct. 18, 1926 |
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Cape Cod Canal. Report of Col. Edw. Burr, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Upon the Cape Cod Canal Its History, Operation and Improvement. |
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Illinois River, Ill. Letter from the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Transmitting Report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Illinois River, Ill |
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Little Caillou Bayou, La. Letter from the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Transmitting Report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Little Caillou Bayou, La |
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Cumberland River Above Nashville, Tenn. Letter from the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Transmitting Report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Cumberland River Above Nashville, Tenn |
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Waterway from the Great Lakes to the Hudson River. Letter from the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Transmitting Report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors and of a Special Board of Engineer Officers on Review of Reports Heretofore Made on Waterway from the Great Lakes to the Hudson River |
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Shipyard River, S.C. Letter from the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Transmitting Report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Review of Reports Heretofore Submitted on Shipyard River, S.C |
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Mississippi River between the Ohio River and St. Louis. Letter from the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, Transmitting Report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors on Review of Reports Heretofore Made on Mississippi River between the Mouth of the Ohio River and the Northern Boundary of the City of St. Louis |
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Civil Service Retirement Act. Extracts from and Supplement to Joint Hearings. Statements and Brief of C. P. Franciscus, President, Association for the Retirement of U.S. Civil Service Employees, and President of the United National Association of Post Office Clerks; Grant Miller, Post-office Inspector in Charge, Chicago, Ill.; John J. Diamond, National Association of Postal Supervisors; W. A. Keown, President, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association; L. G. Blackman, Secretary, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association; Roy Tricker, Ladies' Auxiliary, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association; and Harry T. Weeks, Postmaster at Patchogue, Long Island, Representing the Service Postmasters of the U.S. |
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Cases Brought by the U.S. in which Citizens have Within the Past Ten Years been Indicted Outside of their Own States and Districts |
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National Prohibition Law. Statement of Henry W. Farnam, Professor (Emeritus) of Economics, Yale University. Extract from Hearings |
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U.S. Botanic Garden. Plants for Congressional Distribution, 1926 |
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Pension Laws Applicable to Service in Civil War, War with Spain, and Indian Wars |
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