Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1926-SPH-0001 Pension Laws Applicable to Service in Civil War, War with Spain, and Indian Wars 1
CMP-1926-WAM-0001 Settlement of War Claims. Comparative Analysis of Proposals, Outline of Proposals, and Summary of Statistics Relating to the Proposed Legislation to Provide for the Return of Property Held by the Alien Property Custodian, the Payment of Awards of the Mixed Claims Commission, and the Adjudication of Payment of Claims Arising out of the Seizure of Ships, Radio Stations, and Patents. by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, House of Representatives 1
CMP-1926-WAM-0002 Sources of Internal Revenue and Rates of Taxation under Existing Law. Corrected to July 1, 1926. by Bureau of Internal Revenue, Treasury Department 1
CMP-1926-WAM-0003 Comparison of the Revenue Acts of 1924 and 1926, with Index. by Clayton F. Moore, Clerk to the Committee 1
CMP-1926-WAM-0004 Index to the Revenue Act of 1926 (Public No. 20, 69th Congress). Compiled under the Direction of Clayton F. Moore 1
CMP-1926-WAM-0005 Trading with the Enemy Act, as Amended 1
CMP-1926-WAM-0006 H.R. 1, an Act to Reduce and Equalize Taxation, to Provide Revenue, and for other Purposes. as Agreed to in Conference 1
CMP-1927-BCU-0001 Federal Farm Loan Act, as Amended, Together with the Original Act and the Amendments Thereto up to Jan. 7, 1927. by the Office of the Legislative Counsel 1
CMP-1927-CLS-0001 Reports of the Senate Committee on Claims, 69th Congress, Together with a History of Bills, Resolutions, and Amendments Referred to the Committee. Compiled by H. B. Straight, Assistant Clerk 1
CMP-1927-COM-0001 Codification of Shipping and Navigation Laws. Report 1
CMP-1927-COM-0002 Special Report of the Mississippi River Commission on Revision of Plans for Improvement of Navigation and Flood Control of the Mississippi River 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0001 Special Report of the Mississippi River Commission on Revision of Plans for Improvement of Navigation and Flood Control of the Mississippi River 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0002 Report on the Control of Floods of the Mississippi River by Means of Reservoirs 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0003 Report on the Control of Floods of the Mississippi River by Means of Diversion Channels 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0004 Bibliography on Flood Control. Prepared in the Division of Bibliography, Library of Congress 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0005 Report of Secretary of War, Dated Jan. 20, 1852, Communicating Reports in Reference to the Inundations of the Mississippi River 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0006 Report on Improvement of Mississippi River for Navigation 1
CMP-1927-FLC-0007 Flood Control. Statement of Hon. Frank R. Reid in Regard to H.R. 8219, a Bill to Prevent Destructive Floods, Etc 1
CMP-1927-FNS-0001 Payments under the Dawes Plan. Correspondence between the U.S. and Great Britain Relating to the Participation of the U.S. in Payments under the Dawes Plan, Nov. 15, 1924 to Jan. 3, 1925 1
CMP-1927-HOR-0001 Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 2, 1926 1