Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1946-NAH-0066 To Amend the Act of May 4, 1898 (30 Stat. 369), As Amended, To Authorize the President To Appoint 250 Acting Assistant Surgeons for Temporary Service (H.R. 6992). Mr. Drewry 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0067 To Further Amend the Act of Jan. 16, 1936, As Amended, Entitled "An Act To Provide for the Retirement and Retirement Annuities of Civilian Members of the Teaching Staff at the U.S. Naval Academy and the Postgraduate School, U.S. Naval Academy" (H.R. 6993). Mr. Drewry 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0068 To Permit the Secretary of the Navy To Delegate the Authority To Compromise and Settle Claims for Damages to Property Under the Jurisdiction of the Navy Department, and for Other Purposes (H.R. 6994). Mr. Drewry 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0069 To Authorize the Secretary of the Navy To Transfer to the State of Texas the Battleship "Texas" Including the Silver Service Presented to the U.S. for Such Battleship (H.R. 5943). Mr. Thomas of Texas 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0070 To Provide for Erecting a Monument of Memorial to Albert Abraham Michelson upon the Grounds of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis (H.R. 5964). Mr. Hinshaw 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0071 For the Relief of William Aloysius Dalton (H.R. 6378). Mr. Bloom 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0072 To Provide for Making Certain Navy Department Articles and Equipment Available for Use at the Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars To Be Held in Boston, Mass., in September 1946 (H.R. 6462), Mr. McCormack. To Authorize the Secretary of the Navy To Lend Navy Department Equipment for Use at the Twenty-Eighth Annual National Convention of the American Legion (H.R. 6300). Mr. Izac 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0073 To Amend the Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942 so as To Authorize Appointment of Navigators and Observers as Commissioned Officers (H.R. 5803). Mr. Hendricks 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0074 Hearings on H.R. 6993, To Further Amend the Act of January 16, 1936, As Amended, Entitled "An Act To Provide for the Retirement and Retirement Annuities of Civilian Members of the Teaching Staff at the U.S. Naval Academy and the Postgraduate School, U.S. Naval Academy" 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0075 Directing the Secretary of the Navy To Make the Naval Training Station at Newport, R.I., the Home Port of the U.S.S. "Constellation" and To Maintain It as a National Museum (H.J. Res. 361). Mr. Forand 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0076 Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Convey to Middletown Post No. 66, American Legion, Middletown, R.I., Without Charge Therefor, 15.82 Acres of Land at Newport, R.I. (H.R. 5760). Mr. Forand 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0077 To Provide for the Establishment of a U.S. Naval Medical School (H.R. 6074). Mr. Somers of New York 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0078 Granting 6 Months' Pay to Elizabeth Walter Brown, Widow of Late Lt. Comdr. Carl A. Bostrom, U.S. Navy (H.R. 5726). Mr. Kefauver 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0079 To Further Amend the Act Approved August 27, 1940 (54 Stat. 864) (H.R. 6745). Mr. Izac 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0080 To Include Civilian Officers and Employees of the U.S. Naval Government of Guam Among Those Persons Who Are Entitled to the Benefits of Public Law 490 of the Seventy-Seventh Congress, Approved March 7, 1942 (56 Stat. 143), As Amended, and for Other Purposes (H.R. 5248). Mr. Vinson 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0081 Report of Subcommittee on Location for Navy Postgraduate School Near Monterey, Calif 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0082 To Correct the Naval Record of Former Members of the Crews of the Revenue Cutters "Gresham," "Fessenden," and "Morrill" (H.R. 5615). Mr. Hendricks 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0083 Report Submitted by the Secretary of the Navy Showing the Strength of the Navy and Marine Corps in Personnel, Ships, Bases, and Shore Establishments, Correct, According to Best Estimates of the Navy Department, as of December 31, 1946 1
CMP-1946-NAH-0084 History of the Committee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives 1
CMP-1946-NAV-0001 Scientific Evaluation of the Proposal that the War and Navy Departments be Merged into a Single Department of National Defense 1