Case Against Unification, by Fletcher Pratt; and Shore-based Naval Air, by Rear Adm. F. D. Wagner |
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Report to the Special Senate Committee Investigating the National Defense Program on the Preliminary Investigation of Military Government in the Occupied Areas of Europe |
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Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 |
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Organization of Congress. Suggestions for Strengthening Congress by Members of Congress and Others |
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H.R. -- , a Bill to Provide for Increased Efficiency in the Legislative Branch of the Government |
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Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. Report |
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S. -- , to Provide for Increased Efficiency in the Legislative Branch of the Government |
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Position of the Independent Company in the Petroleum Industry. Notice of Hearings Beginning Mar. 19, 1946 |
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Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Minority Views Submitted by Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Brewster |
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Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Report |
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Administration and Use of Public Lands Grazing District Fees. Report. |
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Development of Oil and Gas on the Public Domain. Reports Submitted on S. 1236, a Bill to Promote the Development of Oil and Gas on the Public Domain and on Lands Acquired for the Appalachian National Forest, and for other Purposes, by the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture |
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Postwar Economic Policy and Planning. 10th Report of the House Special Committee on Postwar Economic Policy and Planning. Postwar Agricultural Policies |
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Inter-American Highway. Interim Report |
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Revision of Federal Shipping Laws. Preliminary Draft. Part 1, Merchant Marine; Part 2, Customs Requirements and Regulations; Part 3, Construction Equipment and Safety Appliances; Part 4, Seamen; Part 5, Liability. with Reviser's Notes |
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Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. Civilian Employment of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government by Department and Agency. Print No. 22-24, Oct.-Dec. 1945, Jan. 1946 |
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Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. Civilian Employment of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government by Department and Agency. Print No. 22-28, 30, Oct. 1945-May 1946, June-July 1946 |
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Additional Report of the Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures, Pursuant to Section 601 of the Revenue Act of 1941, on Federal Personnel. Print No. 31-33, July-Oct. 1946 |
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Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. Civilian Employment of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government by Department and Agency. Print No. 29-30, May-July 1946 |
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U.S. Versus Economic Concentration and Monopoly. Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Government's Efforts to Combat Economic Concentration. Staff Report |
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