Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1957-FOA-0008 Report to the Congress of the U.S. by the Comptroller General of the U.S. Examination of the Military Assistance Program, Department of Defense, Mar. 31, 1957 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0009 Mutual Security Act of 1957. Report on S. 2130, to Amend Further the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, and for other Purposes 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0010 Mutual Security Act of 1957. Report on S. 2130, to Amend Further the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, and for other Purposes 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0011 Authorizing the President to Undertake Economic and Military Cooperation with Nations in the General Area of the Middle East. Report on H.J. Res. 117, to Authorize the President to Undertake Economic and Military Cooperation with Nations in the General Area of the Middle East in Order to Assist in the Strengthening and Defense of their Independence 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0012 H.R. -- , a Bill to Improve the Foreign Policy of the U.S. by Amending the U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (P.L. 402, 80th Congress) 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0013 H.R. -- , a Bill to Amend Further the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, and for other Purposes 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0014 H.R. -- , a Bill to Amend Further the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, and for other Purposes 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0015 H.J. Res. 117, Joint Resolution to Authorize the President to Undertake Economic and Military Cooperation with Nations in the General Area of the Middle East in Order to Assist in the Strengthening and Defense of their Independence 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0016 H.J. Res. 117, Joint Resolution to Promote Peace and Stability in the Middle East. Showing in Ramseyer Rule Style Amendments Made by the Senate 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0017 H.J. Res. 160, Joint Resolution to Create a Commission to Study and make Recommendations for the Security of American Foreign Investments. Showing Subcommittee Amendments 1
CMP-1957-FOA-0018 H. Con. Res. 204, Concurrent Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Congress on the Problem of Hungary 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0001 Control and Reduction of Armaments Disarmament and Security in the Middle East. Staff Study No. 6. 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0002 Control and Reduction of Armaments Disarmament and Security in Latin America. Staff Study No. 7. 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0003 Control and Reduction of Armaments Attitudes of Soviet Leaders Toward Disarmament. Replies from Experts on the Soviet Union to Subcommittee Questionnaire. Staff Study No. 8. 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0004 Control and Reduction of Armaments Disarmament and Security in Eastern and Southern Asia. Staff Study No. 9. 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0005 Economic Aid and Technical Assistance in Africa. Report of Sen. Theodore Francis Green on a Study Mission 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0006 Events in the Middle East A Select Chronology, 1946-57. 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0007; CMP-1957-FOR-0018; CMP-1958-FOR-0001; CMP-1959-FOR-0020; CMP-1959-FOR-0026; CMP-1962-FOR-0014; CMP-1963-FOR-0013; CMP-1964-FOR-0005; CMP-1965-FOR-0018; CMP-1966-FOR-0014; CMP-1967-FOR-0020; CMP-1968-FOR-0019; CMP-1969-FOR-0013; CMP-1977-HIR-0017; CMP-1977-HIR-0018; CMP-1978-HIR-0016; CMP-1978-HIR-0017; CMP-1978-HIR-0018; CMP-1979-FOA-0018; CMP-1979-FOR-0052; CMP-1980-FOA-0010; CMP-1980-FOA-0013; CMP-1981-FOR-0002; CMP-1981-FOR-0004; CMP-1981-FOR-0006; CMP-1982-FOA-0012; CMP-1982-FOA-0013; CMP-1983-FOR-0005; CMP-1983-FOR-0006; CMP-1984-FOA-0006; CMP-1984-FOA-0010; CMP-1985-FOR-0012; CMP-1985-FOR-0013; CMP-1986-FOA-0008; CMP-1986-FOA-0015; CMP-1986-FOA-0034; CMP-1987-FOR-0003; CMP-1987-FOR-0005; CMP-1988-FOA-0008; CMP-1988-FOA-0009; CMP-1988-FOA-0014; CMP-1989-FOR-0004; CMP-1989-FOR-0005; CMP-1989-FOR-0007; CMP-1989-FOR-0014; CMP-1989-FOR-0017; CMP-1990-FOA-0008; CMP-1990-FOA-0010; CMP-1990-FOA-0015; CMP-1990-FOA-0017; CMP-1991-FOR-0001; CMP-1991-FOR-0006; CMP-1991- Legislation on foreign relations with explanatory notes 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0007 etc Legislation on foreign relations with explanatory notes 1
CMP-1957-FOR-0008 Middle East and Southern Europe 1