Report on Education, Submitted to President-elect Kennedy by a Task Force Committee on Education |
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Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance; Medical Assistance for the Aged; Public Assistance; Assistance for U.S. Citizens Returned from Foreign Countries; and Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation. Showing Changes Made by the 87th Congress During 1961. (Compiled by Education and Public Welfare Division, Legislative Reference Service) |
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Major Differences in the Present Law and H.R. 4884, as Reported by the Committee on Finance. by Legislative Reference Service |
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Temporary Extension of Aid to Dependent Children Program to Families with Unemployed Parent (Title IV of the Social Security Act). Changes in Existing Law on Aid to Dependent Children Proposed by the Administration in Bill H.R. 3865 and Bill Passed by House of Representatives, H.R. 4884 |
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Major Differences in the Present Social Security Law and H.R. 6027, as Reported by the Committee on Finance |
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Tax Effects of Conducting Foreign Business through Foreign Corporations. by the Staff of the Joint Committee |
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Background Information on the Soviet Union in International Relations |
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Gold and the U.S. Balance of Payments Deficit |
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Provisions of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as Amended, Omitted from the Foreign Assistance Bill and Reasons Therefor. by the Executive Branch |
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Section-by-section Analysis of Proposed Peace Corps Bill. H.R. 7500 and S. 2000, Bill to Provide for a Peace Corps to Help the Peoples of Interested Countries and Areas in Meeting their Needs for Skilled Manpower |
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Special Study Mission to Poland. Report by Clement J. Zablocki |
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Staff Memorandum on Background Material on the Foreign Aid Program, Fiscal Year 1962 |
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Staff Memorandum on the Foreign Service Institute of the Department of State |
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Report on U.S.-financed Military Construction at Kharian and Multan in West Pakistan |
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Staff Memorandum on the Caribbean Commission and the Proposed Caribbean Organization |
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Executive Communication Transmitting Draft Legislation to Provide for Aid to Social and Economic Development under an Act for International Development and to Provide for Military Assistance under an International Peace and Security Act |
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Statutory References in the Bill to Establish a U.S. Disarmament Agency for World Peace and Security, H.R. 7936 |
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Special Study Mission to Latin America Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Panama. Report by Reps. Armistead I. Selden, Jr., and Dante B. Fascell. |
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Ramseyer Rule Print of H.R. 7372, the Foreign Aid Bill of 1961 |
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Provisions of Existing Law Related to Provisions of H.R. 5203 and H.R. 5204. Part A -- Changes in Existing Law Made by H.R. 5203 and H.R. 5204; Part B -- Provisions of Law Referred to in H.R. 5203 and H.R. 5204; Part C -- Provisions of Law Similar to Provisions of H.R. 5203 and H.R. 5204 |
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