H.R. -- , a Bill to Amend the Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926, to Authorize Additional Appropriations, and for other Reasons |
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H.J. Res. -- , Joint Resolution Providing for Acceptance by the U.S. of the Agreement for the Establishment of the Caribbean Organization Signed by the Governments of the Republic of France, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S |
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H. Con. Res. 351, Concurrent Resolution Supporting the President's Reply to the Soviet Aide Memoire on Germany and Berlin |
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Background Information on Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West |
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H.R. 8400, a Bill to Promote the Foreign Policy, Security, and General Welfare of the U.S. by Assisting Peoples of the World in their Efforts Toward Economic and Social Development and Internal and External Security, and for other Purposes. Comparing the Text of H.R. 8400 with Provisions of Mutual Security Act of 1954 |
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Forty-second Report to Congress on Lend-Lease Operations. Message from the President on Lend-Lease Operations for the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1960 |
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Section-by-section Analysis of Proposed Foreign Assistance Bill, and Table of Comparable Sections as between Foreign Assistance Bill and Mutual Security Act. Bill to Promote the Foreign Policy, Security, and General Welfare of the U.S. by Assisting Peoples of the World in their Efforts Toward Economic and Social Development and Internal and External Security, and for other Purposes |
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Bogota Conference, Sept. 1960. Report of Sen. Wayne Morse and Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper |
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Latin America, Nov.-Dec. 1960. Report of Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper |
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Documents on Germany, 1944-1961 |
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Sixth NATO Parliamentarians' Conference. Held in Paris, Nov. 21 to Nov. 26, 1960. Report of the U.S. Senate Delegation to the Sixth Conference Pursuant to P.L. 689 -- 84th Congress |
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U.S. in the United Nations 1960, a Turning Point. Supplementary Report by Sen. Wayne Morse, Member of the Delegation of the U.S. to the 15th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. |
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Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, Subcommittees |
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U.S. in the United Nations 1960, a Turning Point. Report by Sens. George D. Aiken, and Wayne Morse, Members of the Delegation of the U.S. to the 15th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. |
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Background Documents Relating to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
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U.S. in the United Nations 1960, a Turning Point. Supplementary Report by Sen. George D. Aiken, Member of the Delegation of the U.S. to the 15th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. |
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Section-by-section Analysis of the Proposed Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Bill (S. 1154) |
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Subcommittees. Foreign Relations Committee |
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Study Mission to Africa, Nov.-Dec. 1960. Report of Sen. Frank Church, Gale W. McGee, and Frank E. Moss |
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Farm Cost-price Squeeze. Report |
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