Recent Trends in Soviet Scientific and Technical Education. Presented by Congressman John Brademas |
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Historical Data Regarding the Creation and Jurisdiction of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives |
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Impact of Public Health Grant Programs on Medical Research and Education. Results of Questionnaire Survey Participated in by 19 Selected Institutions |
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Index to Investor Protection Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, 88th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions, H.R. 6789, H.R. 6793 and S. 1642. by Chester Dunton, Librarian, SEC |
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Air Services Agreement between U.S.A. and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Signed at Bermuda, Feb. 11, 1946, Effective Feb. 11, 1946, and Final Act of the Civil Aviation Conference Held at Bermuda Jan. 15 to Feb. 11, 1946 |
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Brief Summary of the Provisions of H.R. 8363, "the Revenue Act of 1964," as Agreed to by the Conferees |
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Summary of Provisions of H.R. 12253, Tariff Schedules Technical Amendments Act of 1964, as Passed by the House of Representatives |
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Social Security Act, Changes in Existing Law. Title II -- Federal Old-age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits |
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Analysis of Medical Care for Aged Amendments to H.R. 11865 |
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Major Differences in Present Law and the Social Security Amendments of 1964 (H.R. 11865), as Passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate. by Legislative Reference Service |
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Brief Summary of Major Provisions of and Detailed Comparison Showing Changes Made in Title II of the Social Security Act by H.R. 11865 and H.R. 9393, as Passed by the House of Representatives |
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Brief Summary of Major Provisions of and Detailed Comparison Showing Changes Made in the Social Security Act by H.R. 11865, as Reported by the Committee on Finance. by Legislative Reference Service |
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Amendments Recommended by the Treasury Department to H.R. 8000, Interest Equalization Tax Act |
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Analysis of Medical Care for Aged Amendments to H.R. 11865 |
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Brief Summary of the Provisions of H.R. 8363, "the Revenue Act of 1964," as Reported by the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, 88th Congress, 2d Session |
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Report on Operation of Stock Option Plan by Chrysler Corporation. by the Staffs of the Treasury Department and Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation |
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"Interest Equalization Tax Act of 1963" (H.R. 8000). Outline of Provisions of H.R. 8000, as Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and Amendments Recommended by the Treasury Department. by the Staff of the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation |
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Digest of Testimony Presented and Statements Submitted to the Committee on Finance with Respect to H.R. 8000 ("Interest Equalization Tax Act of 1963"). by the Staff of the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation |
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Background Material on Mutual Defense and Development Programs, Fiscal Year 1965 |
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Staff Memorandum on the Foreign Assistance Program Authorizations and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1964 |
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