Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1965-WAM-0001 Treasury Department Report on Private Foundations 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0002 Summary of Major Provisions of H.R. 6675, the Social Security Amendments of 1965 as Reflected by the Agreement Reached between the House and Senate Conferees, Together with Actuarial Data 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0003 Summary of Major Provisions of H.R. 6675, the Social Security Amendments of 1965, as Reported to the House of Representatives by the Committee on Ways and Means on Mar. 29, 1965. to Provide a Hospital Insurance Program for the Aged under the Social Security Act with a Supplementary Health Benefits Program and an Expanded Program of Medical Assistance, to Increase Benefits under the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, to Improve the Federal-state Public Assistance Programs, and for other Purposes 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0004 Legislative History of H.R. 8464, 89th Congress, a Bill to Provide a Temporary Increase in the Public Debt Limit, P.L. 89-49 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0005 Actuarial Cost Estimates and Summary of Provisions of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System as Modified by the Social Security Amendments of 1965 and Actuarial Cost Estimates and Summary of Provisions of the Hospital Insurance and Supplementary Medical Insurance Systems as Established by such Act. P.L. 89-97, Approved July 30, 1965. by Robert J. Myers, Actuary to the Committee 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0006 Material Prepared by the Executive Branch Concerning Recommendations Proposed by the President Relative to Excise and Fuel Taxes Including Draft Bills and Section-by-section Analysis 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0007 Material Prepared by the Department of Labor Concerning the Administration Proposal to Amend the Federal Unemployment Compensation Statutes Together with Excerpts from the President's Message and H.R. 8282, the "Employment Security Amendments of 1965" 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0008 Social Security and Federal Employment. Report Submitted by the U.S. Civil Service Commission and the Social Security Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0009 Summary of Major Provisions of P.L. 89-97, the Social Security Amendments of 1965 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0010 Summary of Major Provisions of Medical Assistance for the Aged Program (Kerr-Mills Law), P.L. 86-778 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0011 Introduced Version of H.R. 11297, Foreign Investors Tax Act of 1965. Summary of Principal Provisions and Comparative Print Showing Changes which would be Made in Existing Law 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0012 Legislative History of H.R. 8371, 89th Congress, the Excise Tax Reduction Act of 1965, P.L. 89-44 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0013 Written Statements by Interested Individuals and Organizations on Treasury Department Report on Private Foundations, Issued on Feb. 2, 1965. Vol. 1 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0014 Additional Written Statements by Interested Individuals and Organizations on Treasury Department Report on Private Foundations, Issued on Feb. 2, 1965. Vol. 2 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0015 Actuarial Cost Estimates for the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, as Modified by H.R. 6675, and for the Health Insurance System for the Aged Established by H.R. 6675, as Passed by the House of Representatives and as According to the Action of the Senate. by Robert J. Myers, Actuary to the Committee 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0016 Actuarial Cost Estimates and Summary of Provisions of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System as Modified by the Social Security Amendments of 1965 and Actuarial Cost Estimates and Summary of Provisions of the Hospital Insurance and Supplementary Medical Insurance Systems as Established by such Act. P.L. 89-97, Approved July 30, 1965. by Robert J. Myers, Actuary to the Committee 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0017 Explanation of H.R. 11450, a Bill Introduced at the Request of the American Bar Association and Containing Its Recommendations for Changes in the Internal Revenue Code 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0018 Provisions of the Internal Revenue Code Relating to Excise Taxes, as Amended and in Force on Jan. 4, 1965. by the Staff of the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0019 Letters of Undertaking from General Motors of Canada, Ltd., Ford Motor of Canada, Ltd., Chrysler Canada, Ltd., and American Motors (Canada), Ltd., to the Hon. C. M. Drury, Minister of Industry, Ottawa, Canada, with Respect to Agreement between the Governments of the U.S. and Canada Concerning Production and Trade in Automotive Products 1
CMP-1965-WAM-0020 H.R. 11297, the "Foreign Investors Tax Act of 1965". as Introduced in the House of Representatives on Sept. 28, 1965, Together with Summary of Principal Provisions and Comparative Print Showing Changes which would be Made in Existing Law 1