Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1972-IIA-0006 Clearcutting on Federal Timberlands report and recommendations. 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0008 An analysis of forestry issues in the first session of the 92d Congress 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0009 National land use policy background papers on past and pending legislation and the roles of the executive branch, Congress, and the States in land use policy and planning / 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0011 The law of the sea crisis a staff report on the United Nations Seabed Committee, the Outer Continental Shelf, and marine mineral development. 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0012 Summary report 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0013 Marine sanctuaries in California 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0014 Effect of Calvert Cliffs and other court decisions upon nuclear power in the United States 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0016 Environmental quality as an objective of water resources planning 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0017 Federal resources (funding and personnel) in energy related activities, fiscal years 1972 and 1973 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0018 Public land policy activities in the 92d Congress / 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0020 Conservation of energy 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0022 Energy "demand" studies an analysis and appraisal / 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0023 This Nation's Supply of and Demand for Fuel and Energy Resources 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0024 Fort Belknap Indian Reservation and the Fort Belknap Builders, Inc staff report. 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0026 History, Jurisdiction, and a Summary of Legislative Activities During the 92d Congress. 1
CMP-1972-IIA-0027 Compilation of Federal laws relating to fuel and energy resources 1
CMP-1972-IRT-0001 Summary of Administration's Pension Proposal "Individual Retirement Benefits Act of 1971." prepared for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means. 1
CMP-1972-IRT-0002 Summary of testimony on legislative activities ("lobbying") 1
CMP-1972-IRT-0003 Comparison of Grants to State Governments with 1971 Total Revenues and Selected Sources of Revenue By State, Totals and Per Capita -- State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. Part VIII. 1
CMP-1972-IRT-0004 Per capita comparisons of distributions to large cities, selected small cities, and rural areas under the Committee and House bills--State and local fiscal assistance act of 1972 1