Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1973-LPW-0003 Study of the cost of mandatory vesting provisions proposed for private pension plans 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0004 Work in America report of a special task force to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0005 Economic opportunity act of 1964, as amended, including changes made by Public law 92-424, September 19, 1972 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0007 Joint labor-management trust funds for legal services--S. 1423 bill text and background material. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0008 Community mental health centers act history of the program and current problems and issues. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0009 Retirement income security for employees act of 1973, S. 4. (Text of bill as reported and report) 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0011 Evaluation of the first 18 months of the public employment program 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0012 Background materials relating to railroad retirement 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0013 Older Americans comprehensive services amendments of 1973 explanation of 1973 amendments and selected background material / 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0015 Proposed fair labor standards amendments of 1973 June 1973. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0016 Proposed fair labor standards amendments of 1973: S. 1861, S. 1725, and H.R. 7935 bill texts, section-by-section analyses, changes in existing law, and comparison of bills. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0017 Hill-Burton hospital survey and construction act history of the program and current problems and issues. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0019 Federal mine safety and health amendments of 1973, S. 2117 bill text, summary, section-by-section analysis, and background material / 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0020 National workers' compensation act of 1973, S2008 bill text, section-by-section analysis, and background material. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0021 Proposed fair labor standards amendments of 1973 comparison of principal provisions of S. 1861 / 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0022 Background material on the Fair labor standards act amendments of 1973 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0024 Case studies of the Emergency employment act in operation 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0025 Post-White House Conference on Aging reports, 1973. Towards a new attitude on aging - April 1973 a report on the Administration's continuing response to the recommendations of the delegates to the 1971 White House Conference on Aging, together with, Final report of the Post-Conference Board of the 1971 White House Conference on Aging - June 1973. 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0027 Uniform alcoholism and intoxication treatment act 1
CMP-1973-LPW-0028 The multinational corporation and the national interest 1