Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1973-POH-0009 Survey of Income of Civil Service Annuitants Calendar Year 1972. 1
CMP-1973-POH-0010 Retirement, life insurance, and health benefits programs, December, 1972 benefit comparisons and cost projections / 1
CMP-1973-POH-0011 Comparisons of major employee benefits programs, April 1973 including retirement, health benefits, life insurance, vacations, sick leave, and holidays / 1
CMP-1973-POH-0013 Study of benefits for teachers in the overseas dependent school system 1
CMP-1973-POH-0014 Study of Canadian system granting right to strike to postal workers Ninety-third Congress, first session / 1
CMP-1973-POH-0015 Staff report on the inspection tour of selected U.S. Postal Service bulk and preferential mail centers Ninety-third Congress, first session. 1
CMP-1973-POH-0016 Franking privilege for members of Congress: Public Law 93-191 (effective December 18, 1973) a compilation of legislative history, Ninety-third Congress, first session. 1
CMP-1973-POS-0005 Explanation of the Postal Reorganization Act and selected background material 1
CMP-1973-POS-0006 Statutory exceptions to the competitive service A report to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the United States Senate. 1
CMP-1973-POS-0009 Title 39, U.S. Code U.S. Postal Service. 1
CMP-1973-POS-0010 Title 5, U.S. Code Government Organization and Employees. 1
CMP-1973-POS-0011 Title 39, U.S. Code, Prior to the Postal Reorganization Act 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0001 Rules of the House Committee on Public Works 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0002 Laws of the United States relating to water pollution control and environmental quality 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0004 Urban transportation (dilemmas at a time of decision) staff report. 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0006 Waste oil study a preliminary report to the Congress from the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0008 Highway safety, design and operations (the need for a safer driving environment); report. 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0011 Costs of Construction of Publicly-Owned Wastewater Treatment Works 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0012 Economic Development Programs Under Jurisdiction of the Committee on Public Works, U.S. House of Representatives 1
CMP-1973-PWH-0014 U.S. Code Title 23 Highways. 1