Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1974-SAS-0001 Detente An Evaluation. 1
CMP-1974-SAS-0005 Policy, troops, and the NATO alliance report of Senator Sam Nunn to the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, April 2, 1974. 1
CMP-1974-SAS-0008 China and American policy report of Henry M. Jackson to the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate. 1
CMP-1974-SAS-0010 Unauthorized disclosures and transmittal of classified documents report / 1
CMP-1974-SBH-0001 The position of small business in Government procurement, 1974 1
CMP-1974-SBH-0002 List of publications and committee membership of the Permanent Select Committee on Small Business, U.S. House of Representatives, 77th-93d Congresses (1941-74) 1
CMP-1974-SBH-0003 Small business enterprises in outdoor recreation and tourism [report / 1
CMP-1974-SBS-0001 Small business tax reform, 1970-74 a compilation of testimony, statements, and exhibits presented to the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, together with related background materials on the need for tax simplification and reform for small business. 1
CMP-1974-SBS-0002 Small business investment act text, history, related law, and regulations / 1
CMP-1974-SBS-0003 Competitive problems in the drug industry Federal drug procurement and purchase policies, summary and analysis : [prepared for] Select Committee on Small Business, United States Senate, Subcommittee on Monopoly / 1
CMP-1974-SEN-0001 List of Standing Committees and Committee Assignments of Senators and List of Senators by States for the 93d Congress. 1
CMP-1974-SEN-0002 Federal Election Campaign Act Report on Audits, Field Investigations, Complaints and Referrals. 1
CMP-1974-SEN-0005 Subcommittees and Select and Special Committees of the Senate of the U.S Together with Certain Joint Committees of the Congress, 93d Congress. 1
CMP-1974-SEN-0007 Journal of the Senate of the United States of America. 1
CMP-1974-SJS-0001 Federal data banks and constitutional rights a study of data systems on individuals maintained by agencies of the United States Government / 1
CMP-1974-SJS-0002 Internal security manual, revised to July 1973 provisions of Federal statutes, Executive orders, and congressional resolutions relating to the internal security of the United States. 1
CMP-1974-SJS-0003 Federal data banks and constitutional rights a study of data systems on individuals maintained by agencies of the United States Government: summary and conclusions. 1
CMP-1974-SJS-0004 Federal data banks and constitutional rights a study of data systems on individuals maintained by agencies of the United States Government / 1
CMP-1974-SJS-0005 Federal data banks and constitutional rights a study of data systems on individuals maintained by agencies of the United States Government / 1
CMP-1974-SJS-0006 Soviet disarmament propaganda and the strange case of Marshal Grechko staff study prepared for the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate. 1