Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1974-VAH-0003 State veterans' laws digests of State laws regarding rights, benefits, and privileges of veterans and their dependents, revised to January 1, 1974 : prepared for the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate and House of Representatives. 1
CMP-1974-VAH-0009 Veterans' Administration Summary of Medical Programs Preliminary, June 1974. 1
CMP-1974-VAH-0012 Operations of Veterans' Administration Hospital and Medical Program 1
CMP-1974-VAH-0014 Report of special survey of level of quality of patient care at Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics a study dated July 31, 1974, conducted by Veterans Administration at the direction of the President and released on October 26, 1974. 1
CMP-1974-VAH-0017 Veterans' Administration Study of The National Cemetery System Conducted Pursuant to Provisions of P.L. 93-43. 1
CMP-1974-VAS-0003 National Cemetery System Study 1
CMP-1974-VAS-0006 State veterans' laws digests of State laws regarding rights, benefits, and privileges of veterans and their dependents, revised to January 1, 1974 : prepared for the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate and House of Representatives. 1
CMP-1974-VAS-0007 Source material on the Vietnam era veteran 1
CMP-1974-VAS-0016 Report of special survey of level of quality of patient care at Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics a study dated July 31, 1974, conducted by Veterans Administration at the direction of the President and released on October 26, 1974. 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0001 Brief Summary of H.R. 17488 the Energy Tax and Individual Relief Act of 1974. 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0004 Material relating to the proposed "Emergency windfall profits tax" including the press release announcing public hearings to be conducted by the Committee on Ways and Means, beginning on February 4, 1974, draft bill, and prepared statement submitted by George P. Shultz. 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0005 Prepared statements submitted by witnesses scheduled to appear before the Committee on Ways and Means on proposals relating to "windfall" or excess profits ... 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0006 Brief Summary of the Provisions of H.R. 12481 A Bill to Amend the Internal Revenue Code to Provide Pension Reform. 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0007 Prepared statements submitted by witnesses scheduled to appear before the Committee on Ways and Means on proposals relating to "windfall" or excess profits ... 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0008 Prepared statements submitted by witnesses scheduled to appear before the Committee on Ways and Means on proposals relating to "windfall" or excess profits ... 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0009 Material relating to Administration proposal entitled the "Job security assistance act of 1974," including letter of transmittal from the Secretary of Labor, draft bill / 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0010 Energy Taxation Alternative Taxation Alternatives for the Taxation of Increased Domestic Oil and Gas Profits] / 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0011 Summary of testimony on the proposed "emergency windfall profits tax" 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0012 Energy Taxation Statistical Data / 1
CMP-1974-WAM-0013 Energy Taxation: Possible Modifications in the Tax Treatment of Foreign Oil and Gas Income Study No. 3 / 1