Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1976-BHU-0012 Report on the Treasury Department's Contract Compliance Program for Financial Institutions 1
CMP-1976-BHU-0014 Role of the Federal National Mortgage Association in the Secondary Mortgage Market 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0001 Railroad reorganization congressional action and Federal expenditures related to the final system plan of the U.S. Railway Association. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0002 Commercialization of synthetic fuels alternative loan guarantee and price support programs / 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0003 Overview of the 1977 budget an analysis of the President's proposals prepared for the House Committee on Appropriations. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0004 Five-year budget projections, fiscal years 1977-81 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0005 Federal pay, its budgetary implications 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0006 International political assumptions in defense posture statements 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0009 Financing postal operations alternative approaches and their budgetary implications. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0010 U.S. naval force alternatives 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0011 Agricultural price support programs a layman's guide. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0012 Defense manpower compensation issues for fiscal year 1977. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0013 U.S. tactical air forces overview and alternative forces, fiscal years, 1976-81. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0014 U.S. food and agricultural policy in the world economy 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0015 The Congressional Budget Office responsibilities and organization. 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0016 Employment and training programs 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0017 Foreign military sales and U.S. weapons costs 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0018 Uranium enrichment alternatives for meeting the nation's needs and their implications for the Federal budget / 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0020 Budgetary cost savings to the Department of Defense resulting from foreign military sales 1
CMP-1976-CBO-0021 The effect of inflation on Federal expenditures 1