Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1983-CBO-0035 The Federal government in a federal system current intergovernmental programs and options for change. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0036 Manpower for a 600-ship Navy costs and policy alternatives. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0037 Major Legislative Changes in Human Resources Programs Since January 1981 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0039 A Review of the Department of Defense, December 31, 1982 selected acquisition report (SARs) 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0040 Forecasting individual income tax revenues a technical analysis. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0041 Farm revenue insurance an alternative risk-management option for crop farmers. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0042 Efficient investments in water resources issues and options. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0043 Strategic and critical nonfuel minerals problems and policy alternatives. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0046 The housing finance system and federal policy recent changes and options for the future. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0047 Uranium enrichment investment options for the long term. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0048 Natural gas price decontrol a comparison of two bills. 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0049 The industrial policy debate 1
CMP-1983-CBO-0050 Charging for federal services 1
CMP-1983-CSC-0001 Activities Report, 97th Congress 1
CMP-1983-CSC-0002 Madrid CSCE Review Meeting Phase V Interim Report. / 1
CMP-1983-CSC-0003 Madrid CSCE Review Meeting 1
CMP-1983-CST-0004 Long-range goals in international telecommunications and information an outline for United States policy / 1
CMP-1983-CST-0005 Print and electronic media the case for first amendment parity / 1
CMP-1983-CST-0007 Policy and legal issues involved in the commercialization of space 1
CMP-1983-CYF-0001 U.S. children and their families current conditions and recent trends : a report together with additional views of the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session. 1