Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1986-PWO-0002 Office of Management and Budget influence on agency regulations 1
CMP-1986-PWO-0003 Revised tables for apportioning 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990 fiscal year funds for interstate substitute highway and transit projects 1
CMP-1986-PWO-0004 Revised tables for apportioning 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990 fiscal year funds for the national system of interstate and defense highways 1
CMP-1986-PWO-0005 List of toxic chemicals, subject to the provisions of section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 1
CMP-1986-PWO-0006 The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (Superfund) (P.L. 96-510) as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-499) 1
CMP-1986-PWO-0007 The Safe Drinking Water Act as amended by the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986 (Public Law 99-339, June 19, 1986) 1
CMP-1986-PWT-0001 Revised tables for apportioning fiscal year interstate substitute highway (revised table 3) and transit (revised table 4) funds 1
CMP-1986-PWT-0002 Revised table 5-- estimated federal-aid and state matching funds to complete the national system of interstate and defense highways and apportionment factors. 1
CMP-1986-PWT-0003 Designated priority primary routes 1
CMP-1986-PWT-0004 Data relating to H.R. 6 (Des Moines Recreational River and Greenbelt Project) 1
CMP-1986-PWT-0005 Data relating to H.R. 6 (Norton Basin and Jamaica Bay, New York) 1
CMP-1986-PWT-0007 Hazardous waste exposure victims compensation (assessing risks from ambient, nonworkplace exposure, and the need for additional remedies) interim report with additional views / 1
CMP-1986-RUH-0002 Item veto state experience and its application to the federal situation / 1
CMP-1986-SBU-0001 Sixth meeting of the Committee on Small Business, United States Senate with members of the Committee's National Advisory Council 1
CMP-1986-SEN-0002 Senate History No. 11. 1
CMP-1986-SEN-0003 Glossary of Senate Terms A Guide for TV. 1
CMP-1986-SEN-0004 List of Committee Hearings, Committee Prints and Publications of the U.S. Senate 98th Congress, 1983-1984. 1
CMP-1986-SEN-0005 Democratic Alternatives A Look at the Record : Part V. 1
CMP-1986-SEN-0006 Economic Competitiveness Promoting America's Living Standard The Senate Democratic Working Group on Economic Competitiveness of the Democratic Policy Committee. 1
CMP-1986-SEN-0007 Democratic Alternatives A Look at the Record : Part VI. 1