Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1987-ASH-0021 Concord Naval Weapons Station train incident report of the Investigations Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session. 1
CMP-1987-BFU-0001 Conference Agenda S. 825, Housing Act of 1987 / 1
CMP-1987-BFU-0003 Staff report on United States Mint coin equipment procurement 1
CMP-1987-BFU-0004 The Threat of inflation 1
CMP-1987-BFU-0005 Staff report on distribution of American eagle gold coins 1
CMP-1987-BFU-0006 New National Housing Policy Recommendations of Organizations and Individuals Concerned About Affordable Housing in America. 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0001 President Reagan's fiscal year 1988 budget (a summary and analysis / 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0003 President Reagan's fiscal year 1988 budget (a summary and analysis update / 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0004 The whole and the parts piecemeal and integrated approaches to congressional budgeting : report / 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0006 Comparison of Reconciliation Provisions of H.R. 3545 Relating to Pension Funding and PBGC Premiums 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0007 Appendix Estimated Budget Effects of Items in House and Senate Revenue Reconciliation Provisions, FY88-FY90 / 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0008 Comparison of Revenue-Increase Provisions of H.R. 3545 As Passed by the House and the Senate 1
CMP-1987-BGH-0009 Conference Comparison of H.R. 3545 (Spending Provisions) prepared for the use of the conferees / 1
CMP-1987-BGS-0001 Report of the Private Sector Advisory Panel on Infrastructure Financing to the Committee on the Budget, United States Senate 1
CMP-1987-BGS-0002 Reconciliation Submissions of the Instructed Committees Pursuant to the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY88 (H. Con. Res. 93, Rept. No. 100-76). / 1
CMP-1987-BGS-0003 Leadership amendment to S. 1920, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 1
CMP-1987-BHU-0003 A New national housing policy recommendations of organizations and individuals concerned about affordable housing in America. 1
CMP-1987-BHU-0004 Report on the visit to the Soviet Union of the Senate delegation led by Senator John Heinz exploration of the condition of human rights and "democratization" and economic reform initiatives undertaken by the Soviet Union. 1
CMP-1987-CBO-0003 Distributional Effects of an Increase in Selected Federal Excise Taxes Staff Working Paper. 1
CMP-1987-CBO-0004 How federal policies affect the steel industry 1