Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1988-FNS-0012 S. 2238, Technical Corrections Act of 1988 Additional Technical Corrections, and Certain Other Provisions, As Ordered Reported. / 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0013 Additional Technical Corrections to S. 2238, Adopted by Finance Committee 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0014 Explanation of Proposed Finance Committee Amendment to S. 2238 (Technical Corrections Act of 1988, As Reported) 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0015 Technical Corrections Act of 1988, S. 2238, As Reported with Minor Modifications 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0016 Technical Corrections Act of 1988, S. 2238, As Reported with Modifications 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0017 Explanation of Finance Committee Amendment to S. 2238 (Technical Corrections Act of 1988, As Reported) 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0018 Description of S. 2409 (Designation of Overpayments and Contributions on Tax Returns for National Organ Transplant Trust Fund) Scheduled for a Hearing. / 1
CMP-1988-FNS-0020 Changes made by H.R. 4848 (P.L. 100-418) in pre-existing laws under Finance Committee jurisdiction 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0001 Women's perspectives on U.S. foreign policy a compilation of views : report of a Women's Foreign Policy Council informal congressional hearing at National Women's Conference, Washington, DC, November 19, 1987 to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives. 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0003 United States-European community political and economic relations in the late 1980's report of the thirtieth meetings of members of Congress and of the European Parliament, January 9-13, 1988, pursuant to H. Res. 981 .. 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0005 International physical security standards for nuclear materials outside the United States reports to Congress pursuant to section 604 of the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-399) / 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0007 Twenty-eighth Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Conference background materials for U.S. delegation use only. 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0010 Counter-terrorism policy and embassy security in Eastern Europe report of a study mission to Eastern Europe / 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0013 Administrative procedures of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0016 The War Powers Resolution relevant documents, correspondence, reports / 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0018 Human rights and the prospects for democracy in Chile report of a staff study mission to Chile, November 28-December 7, 1987 to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives. 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0019 Foreign assistance policy studies a review of major reports and recommendations / 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0020 Soviet diplomacy and negotiating behavior emerging new context for U.S. diplomacy : study / 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0021 Elections in Taiwan report of a staff study mission to Taiwan, December 1-9, 1987 to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives. 1
CMP-1988-FOA-0022 Required reports to Congress on foreign policy 1