Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1988-OTA-0035 Changes in sexual behavior of homosexual and bisexual men since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0036 New developments in biotechnology Field-testing engineered organisms : genetic and ecological issues : contractor documents, volume 1. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0037 Using desalination technologies for water treatment background paper. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0038 Alternative approaches to developing a cadre of "teacher technologists" 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0039 The effectiveness of AIDS educational programs for intravenous drug users 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0040 The defense technology base introduction & overview : a special report of OTA's assessment on maintaining the defense technology base. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0041 Mapping our genes genome projects : how big, how fast? 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0042 Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act problems and proposals for change : a staff paper from OTA's assessment of new Clean Air Act issues / 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0043 Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits technology options and policy issues. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0044 SDI technology, survivability, and software. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0045 Technology and the American economic transition choices for the future. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0046 Technology and the American economic transition choices for the future : summary. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0047 Infertility, medical and social choices summary. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0048 Infertility, medical and social choices 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0049 Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0050 SDI, technology, survivability, and software 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0051 Criminal justice new technologies and the constitution : special report. 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0052 New developments in biotechnology 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0053 Book preservation technologies 1
CMP-1988-OTA-0054 Book preservation technologies 1