Call Number (LC) Title Results
CMP-1989-WAM-0007 General explanation of the Family Support Act of 1988 (H.R. 1720, 100th Congress; Public Law 100-485) / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0008 Current tax rules relating to financially troubled savings and loan associations scheduled for hearings before the House Committee on Ways and Means on February 22 and March 9, 1989 / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0011 Written comments on H.R. 1233, the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Expansion Act of 1989 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0012 Issues Relating to the Use of Pension Plan Assets in Leveraged Buyout Transactions Scheduled for a Hearing. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0013 Description of H.R. 1864 relating to simplification of Section 89, nondiscrimination rules applicable to certain employee benefit plans scheduled for a hearing before the Committee on Ways and Means on May 2, 1989 / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0014 Present law and issues relating to the low-income housing and rehabilitation tax credits scheduled for hearings before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means, on May 23, 1989 and June 6, 1989 / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0015 Summary of Tax Provisions of Ways and Means Committee Amendment to H.R. 1278 ("The Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989") 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0016 The Economic status of the elderly 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0017 Present law and issues relating to the targeted jobs tax credit (H.R. 452, H.R. 815, and H.R. 2098) scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the Committee on Ways and Means, on June 6, 1989 / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0018 Background materials relating to the steel voluntary restraint agreement (VRA) program 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0019 Description of H.R. 2528 (Improved Penalty Administration and Compliance Tax Act of 1989) Scheduled for a Hearing. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0020 Rehabilitation Tax Credit Scheduled for Markup. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0021 Extension of Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Scheduled for Markup. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0022 Extension and Modification of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Scheduled for a Markup. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0023 H.R. 1761: Corporate Minimum Tax Scheduled for Markup. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0024 Present law and issues relating to employer-provided retiree health insurance scheduled for a hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, on June 14, 1989 / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0025 H.R. 1761: Corporate Minimum Tax Scheduled for Markup. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0026 H.R. 1761: Corporate Minimum Tax Scheduled for Markup. / 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0027 Reconciliation markup document 1
CMP-1989-WAM-0028 Miscellaneous Reconciliation Issues Proposed by the Administration and Various House Committees 1